Bayram Cigerli Blog

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A Bit of Yellow- Porch Update

I mentioned in my last porch post that I was working on sprucing the other side up. Well, here it is! 

Aren't the chairs a lovely sunshiny color? I love how it brightens up the whole area. And to tie the two ends of the porch together I used the same fabric as the cushions on the wicker furniture.

 It is so nice the chairs also make this corner feel like a usable area instead of just a space. It also makes the table look better, I love how it brings out the blue around the table edge! 

And of course the porch wouldn't be complete without a bouquet of pinwheels from last year. 
 There are a few changes on the other side, a little side table from Ikea and red geraniums.

It certainly hasn't changed that this is everyone's favorite place in the summer! Including Kerri's!



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