Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Let's start from the very beginning

Family History is more important than you might realize. Or maybe you realize it, but just don't know how to get started! Well, I hope I can help you along, if you are willing and wanting to come for the ride :)
First I want to talk about writing down what you already know.
Do you know your birthday? Great.
What about your parents' birthdays? Even better!
Do you have kids? Siblings? Aunts? Uncles?
Do you know their birthdays?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you already have a few simple components to writing a family history!
So that means that step 1, is like I said; writing down what you already know.
So now that you know what you already know... let's get to the writing!
So, where do you keep this information? On a piece of paper? In your memory? Sure, you'll remember it, but what if others want to know the same information? (trust me, even if you're boring, future generations will still want to know about you and your history) Let me tell you the 1st second step to getting started ;)
A Pedigree chart! No, not a chart to keep track of your dog's food... But a chart to keep track of your family!
You can buy them here, or simply download and print them from here. My personal preference is to buy them instead of using ink, but either way works. :) Then you will just fill in the information, and Wallah! Your second official start to family history! (the first was being born, so congrats on that)


Thanks for reading! Periodically, I will write about specific topics that people have specific questions on. Feel free to email your questions, comments, and suggestions to:

Meanwhile, this site is an amazing place to search for ancestors.


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