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Ennie, meenie, minnie, moe.........

Do you find light fixture shopping as frustrating as I do? (Good thing I started early!) Last winter I started looking around for nice light fixtures that had a vintage feel to them. They were either way way out of my budget ($200!?!) or ugly as all get out. I agonized for several more weeks searching and searching for something that would do. Then I began to think........
I had fixtures for the bedrooms as two years ago just as I was thinking of buying a house, I started looking for a vintage light fixture for my Mom's rooms. She loved all the detail of the light in my old bedroom and wanted one for hers. You know how it goes, before I knew it I had two shades and four fixtures!
 I spied this one for the kitchen at one of our favorite antique stores. Isn't it a beauty? Since it had a center hole for a more modern style fixture I was able to buy an inexpensive fixture at the hardware store and have the kitchen done of $40!

 Can you guess whose bedroom light this is? Yes it is mine! Isn't it a fabulous color?! And the best thing is at night it casts a wonderful rosie pink glow over the room!
My sister and brother-in-law actually found this one for me, I couldn't have picked a better one! Love the beaded edge!

This one is in my sister's room. Much more classic and understated.

Great starburst in the center! Shades like one can be found for around $10.
This beautiful fixture was going to go in my parent's room at the old house. Before we had time to put it up I bought my house and now it is in their new room.
Love all the details! With this type of light the shade hangs from three ball chains. It can be a bit tricky finding the fixtures, but the glass shades are plentiful.
So I decided since I had all the light fixtures for the bedrooms and then some. Why not look around and find vintage fixtures for the rest of the house? This is still an ongoing search. I found a fixture for the dining room and thought I found a shade for it too, but it didn't fit. Now the shade will go in the living room, but I still need a fixture......
Plus, it gives me a great excuse to antique shopping! ;)

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