Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Everyone Wants Great Triceps

Shape your Triceps with this Great Exercise

Bench Triceps Dips

Another Great Excercise from Jean-Robert's Gym
 •     Starting Position. Place a bench behind
       your back. Hold on to the bench on its
       edge with the hands fully extended,
       separated at shoulder width. You legs
       will be extended forward, bent at the
       waist level and perpendicular to your torso.

 •     Inhale, slowly lower yourself by bending
       at the elbows. Tip: Keep your elbows as close
       as possible throughout the movement.
       Forearms should always be pointing down.

 •     Using your tricps to bring your torso up again,
       lift yourself back to the starting position.

 •     Repeat for 20 reps doing 3 sets

Good form will produce excellent results. For more great exercises and information on how you can have the body of your dreams, visit us at the gym or contact us here.



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