Bayram Cigerli Blog

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MCH History Event

So now it looks like there really is some interest in having a get-together event for readers of the blog and anyone else who enjoys local history. Now we go from hypotheticals to logistics. We need to come up with a time and a place. As far as a time goes, we first need to decide what kind of a time frame would be the best for the most people -- weeknight, weekend day, weekend night. I figure we'll want to have a couple of hours to sit or stand around and talk. That probably means an evening time (7:00, maybe) or an early to mid afternoon if it's on a Saturday or Sunday (1:00, 3:00). That being said, I'm open to suggestions. This our event, not just mine.

And as for a place, I'm open to ideas there, too. I'd say we're probably looking at somewhere in the range of 10 to 20 people, so a smallish room would suffice. I'm thinking large enough that we can mingle around, set up a few tables for those who want to/need to sit, and have a couple tables for displays and maybe some snacks (we can get to that in the next round of planning). I realize that the time and place, to some degree, will probably have to be planned in concert with each other. A great room is no good if no one can make it, and it doesn't work if it's not available when we are. Our other constraint is that my ideal pricepoint for the room is approximately what I make from writing the blog. I don't want to make this a paying event, so I'd like to find somewhere that will just let us use a space for a few hours. We'll clean up, and we won't be too rowdy.

So to move things to the next step, I've replaced the polling question to the right to ask about preferred time frames. Feel free to throw in any ideas or comments here, at the FaceBook page, or by emailing me directly.


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