Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Monday Misc

- I am back in Oakland.

- The plants survived the move. I was a little worried, as some people have had trouble when they moved their container garden mid growing season. Mine seem okay; in fact, I even transplanted a couple (squash, tomato) to the ground and they haven't died yet. I also have teeny tiny cherry tomatoes! Right now they are green and about the size of my pinky nail, but they are real tomatoes! Hurray!

- I have been cooking up a storm. I made garbanzo brownies, white bean chili, hummus, banana bread and curried chicken with veggies. I don't know how I am going to eat them all, but I am sure going to try!

Spinach Hummus

- On top of that, I went to Costco. In case you don't realize, there is absolutely NO way to escape a Costco trip without parting with at least $100. Not only that, but there is never enough room in the fridge for the huge bags of veggies and fruits! So now I am trying to eat all the fruits before they go bad also! Not that it's that hard. I love fruit.

- Did you know that they have baseball tickets at Costco? Two tickets in the lower level PLUS $20 spending money for food...all for about $50.That's a pretty good deal. Of course that food allowance won't even get you two beers.

- I went to my cousin's wedding this weekend. I put on a dress. It was a miracle. However, it was not super warm so I ended up wearing a sweater over it pretty much the whole time.

- 6 days until ULTRA race day. I am not "nervous" per se, but I have those newbie runner worries, like, what if I am last, or what if I eat too much/don't eat enough, or what if I don't make the time cut off? I don't really have a time goal. I just want to finish before the course sweepers!

- This week I am participating in Run With Jess' Virtual Olympics. You have to run a 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 5000m, 10000m and marathon (can be split up). It will be interesting to see how I do for the sprints!

How was your weekend? Anything random you want to talk about? When was the last time you ran 100m and timed yourself?


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