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Love Handle Workouts - Get Rid of Unsightly Fat

ByKevin Cassidy

If you are one of the millions of people who have to contend with excess fat around your midsection, there are love handle workouts that you can do on a regular basis to get healthy and fit. One of the things that you can do to reduce the fat that has accumulated on your back and also make your abdominal muscles stronger is exercise to strengthen all of the muscles in your lower back region, which will balance the strength in your torso. By doing this on a regular basis, you can reduce the amount of fat on your back. A great exercise to try to strengthen your lower back is to lie on your stomach on the floor and move your feet and knees like you were swimming. You can do this for 30 seconds and repeat twice.

Love handle workouts are for the area around the midsection known as the obliques. You have to be able to increase your metabolism so you burn the extra fat. A good aerobic workout will tone your body all over. If you don't have the option of joining a gym, you can just exercise at home, or start going on brisk walks. When you get accustomed to working the muscles that are out of shape, it will get easier. Another exercise that can help to reduce the fat is twist crunches. You can do this by lying on your back with your hands behind your head. Bend your knees and lift your left knee to right elbow. Alternate several times.

There are additional love handle workouts that will not only get rid of the oblique fat but will also strengthen and tone your thighs. In order to get rid of the fat, you have to consume fewer calories in addition to getting sufficient exercise. You should also include cardiovascular exercises, which are very efficient in burning excess fat. The best forms of cardiovascular exercise are walking, jogging, biking, or swimming.

A form of exercise that will slim you, tone up muscles, and is one of the best love handle workouts, is known as Pilates. Using slow, methodical movements, you can start getting results within two or three sessions. There are Pilates exercises to do specifically to trim the fat from your abdominal region. Kneel on the floor, and then sit back on your heels. Put your hand on the floor to the left side of your feet. Reach your right arm up and over to the left side. Alternate this exercise four or five times.

Kevin Cassidy is a fitness expert that contributes content for several of his own health and fitness websites in addition to other websites and publications. Check out Kevin's site for tips and resources on how to get abs fast. And click here for more ideas on love handle workouts specifically.

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