Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive


Today was the  half-way point for the Booty Camp I am currently enrolled in. We did the same fitness test and body measurements we did on the first day in order to track our progress. Good news: I improved in ALL areas!

Most importantly: my fitness levels increased.

  • I more than doubled the number of push ups I could do

  • I more than doubled the number of burpees I could do

  • I increased the number of situps I could do

  • I completed a cardio drill in faster time

Other great results:

  • I lost inches around my arms, waist, butt, and thighs

  • I lost 2.6 inches at my waist!

  • I lost 5.7 inches off my whole body

  • I lost 3 lbs

  • and, I decreased my body fat percentage from 25.9% down to 22.4%.

I credit the fitness results and the decrease in body fat percentage definitely to the program. My trainer, Carolyn, is awesome and totally kicks our asses! The whole program is great. I’m officially a Booty Camp convert!

As for the inches and weight loss, that has a bit more to do with my diet and routine, and so I am pretty happy about that as well – I’m doing something right!

My goals for the second half of the program? Continue to increase fitness levels, lose a couple more overall inches, 2 more lbs, and decrease my body fat to 21%.

That’s all for now. I’m off to a pleasant night’s sleep :)




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