Bayram Cigerli Blog

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The ambiguous face

I guess that’s how I’ve been feeling a bit since I’ve been here.  No, that’s not true.  I guess that’s how I’ve felt all my life.  That’s what happens when you can look like all of this:

…and then some.

It’s been a lot of awkward since I got to Seattle.  Mainly because a lot of us in the program “facebooked” each other prior to arrival.  How do we approach one another thinking we already know all about the other from status updates and type of alcoholic drink they are?  So we may or may not have made some unfair judgments.  Luckily and unluckily, most of us have no one else to hang out with but each other–especially this house of fourteen plus, fairly new to Seattle, and lacking convenient transportation.  We were forced to set aside whatever we perceived from our profiles and learn the dynamic personalities that live under this roof.  And ever since, it’s been love.  For the near two weeks that I’ve been here now, it has never been a dull moment.  I also feel that I’m starting to build a new face.

So, I find it coincidental that when I went to the Blue Scholars‘ CD release party I got a lot of the: “You look familiar…” and “Have we met?” comments.  One asked me if I’m “Charlie’s ex-girlfriend.”  Another asked me if I came up here for conferences.  And somebody called me “Anna.”  I wanted to sing back: “That’s not my name!”  But I only laughed inside, smiled and said: “I just moved here from San Diego.”

Yep, I just moved here from San Diego with only one friend in town.  I left everything back in SoCal and it feels great.  It’s a clean slate and the greatest opportunity to be something better.  I might have an ambiguous face but it’s kind of a blessing.  It reminds me that if I didn’t like the person I was before then, it’s OK because I could always just start again and be someone completely different.

The Haus is still continuing with personal growth week.  I’m taking on an extra challenge.  No drinking or smoking (yes, I’m a closet smoker and the Haus found out) for the rest of the year.  If it’s easy then I’ll continue for the rest of City Year, maybe further.






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