Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Walk, Or By Any Means

So I’m pursuing what I thought was an easy to push myself  physically:  walking.  All in the name of good health and better living. Something about these extra bits of flab accumulating around my sides and thighs anyway.  My husband has gotten into it as well.  To him, walking is cake.  I’d rather have cake and fully indulge in it without regret, but that’s a whole ‘nother.  It’s hard work, believe me.  Out of shape and never really athletic, this walking gig is kicking my tush.  Hard!

Hubby is gung-ho, though, God bless him.  Full of gumption and inspiring.  I sit back and think, I wish! See, he’s getting up early in solitude or sometimes with a neighbor and they’re serious.  They’ll do about a total of 2-6 miles and come home feeling refreshed and renewed.  Then, reluctantly, a little sore as the day progresses.  Our neighbor, woo-wee!, he goes back for more later in the day.  That’s my husband’s new goal.  Not me.  No way.

My first real attempt at fitness, I’ve decided to make it fun.  I’ve tried going around the neighbor, admiring God’s wonderful handiwork, and smiling at neighbors and huffing and puffing all the while.  Not cute.  Now, I’m going to make it personal and put a little flavor on it:  I’m going to hit up a mall after work.  Why not do a little window shopping while sweating the flab off?  Great motivation, I’d say!

What ever the means we decide do it, we all must find a way to keep moving.  And not just physically, either.  Philipians 3:4, Paul encourages, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”  We have to press toward, strive daily toward being better daughters, better coworkers, better spouses or better believers.  Better physically, better emotionally, better period.  Don’t settle for mediocrity.  It’ll get you nowhere quickly.

“And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him,” reads Genesis 5:24.  Imagine if all had Enoch’s testimony.  Looking, I don’t think that’ll happen not me naturally (although I’d love for these thighs to soon be “not” ) but it is my personal pursuit spiritually to have Enoch’s character:  ”[F]or before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God” (Hebrews 11:5b).

Our journey is not always cute or lovely.  It’s definitely tough, but experiencing the fruit of our labor is the maximum reward. Naturally, of course, I’ll benefit optimal health and being able to say I’m svelte is a real plus.  Besides, svelte is cool word and would love to describe myself as such someday.  Spiritually, the greatest benefit is eternal life.  So I’m determined – hard work is fine with me – to put in what it takes to make heaven my final destination.

I’m looking forward, by any means, to seeing you there.


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