Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Injuries, gym websites and protein bars

A big blog day, two posts! Okay, mostly because i can’t do much else. Yesterday afternoon i did my ankle in again. Halfway up Mount Vic it flipped over. I actually screamed the pain was so bad.   I still continued my run up the mountain  (but  i did cut my run short – just  50 minutes). Usually i can run most things off.  Just not this one i guess….so  i’ve intensively RICE’ed and am hoping for the best.  But today there is no ankle but a baseball lurking where my ankle once was.

Can anyone recommend a good physiotherapist specifically for runners in Wellington?

New Sync gym website

Onto other things….i’d like to note that Sync gym have a grand new website and it certainly is up to standard.

It’s a  personalised WordPress template and it looks great.  (I thought about not saying that their designer just copied his own personal WordPress theme for their site but i can’t resist being smart. I’m sorry.)

I’ve previously complained on this blog about gym websites – so i’m really happy to see their website looking so good.  However they always had good information on their website, it just didn’t look so smart. (read my Sync gym review).

Protein/nutrition bars

Yet again my limited diet has thrown me asunder – The Zone nutrition bars are not currently being supplied to NZ. Damn them! I live off those bars and pink oatmeal.  This morning i limped out and bought up the last ones from a health food store.  I’m trying to replace them with Go Slim bars. Which aren’t the same  (but are cheaper) as i’m more interested in the extra vitamins/minerals The Zone bars had rather than the that appears in most protein bars.

Do you have a favorite protein bar or nutrition bar? Know of anywhere where i can find my beloved Zone bars? Mint is my favorite.


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