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Sexual Fitness


How to Achieve Optimal Health

and Sexual Fitness at Any Age

By Dr. Steven Lamm

with Gerald Secor Couzens

Great health and great sex go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. Too often though, this vital link gets overlooked—until now. In

THE HARDNESS FACTOR: How to Achieve Your Best Health and Sexual Fitness at Any Age (HarperCollins Publishers; May 31, 2005; Hardcover; $25.95) Dr. Steven Lamm, a leading contributing doctor on ABC-TV’s

The View,

in collaboration with Gerald Secor Couzens, offers an invaluable guide to enhance your sex life with a win-win premise: enhanced virility equals improved well being. A harder penis means a healthier man.

In his private practice, internist Dr. Lamm has helped hundreds of men get harder and healthier. Through his years of pioneering work with the Digital Inflection Rigidometer, an innovative diagnostic tool used to measure erection quality, Dr. Lamm knows how to achieve optimal results. Now he brings his findings to a wider audience in



as the proponent of a new kind of sexual revolution.

Unfortunately, too many men avoid doctor visits. Dr. Lamm wants to change that. As he notes in his preface to

THE HARDNESS FACTOR, “It has always been very clear to me that men need some kind of motivating force to bring about positive health changes. And when you think of men and think of motivation, I think of one thing only: sex….Once men start to connect the dots, once they fully understand that good health and a hard erection are synonymous, they will begin to take better care of themselves. ”

Dr Lamm asserts that changes in erection are not only sexually frustrating, but can also be a red flag for more serious underlying health problems. Heart disease, diabetes, prostate and colon conditions can all contribute to a diminished erection. Depression and sleep disorders can also cause performance problems. That is why, according to Dr. Lamm, it is so critical for men to be proactive about their health, even if it takes a nudge from a partner to do so.


is designed to steer couples in the right direction, towards better mental and physical health and a richer, more pleasurable sex life. It proposes an action plan even the most reluctant patient will have no trouble following, especially when he sees its many tangible rewards: looking and feeling younger, a more vigorous sex life, enhanced selfconfidence, increased intimacy and stronger relationships.

Based on clinical research performed with Dr. Mariano Rosselló’s innovative Digital Inflection Rigidometer, the first measuring device able to record the firmness of a man’s erection

, THE HARDNESS FACTOR offers two maintenance and enhancement plans designed to maximize every man’s sexual, physical and psychological well being at any age.

The Six-Week Hardness Factor Program is a detailed step-by step road map to better habits and healthier living through a plan of diet, exercises and supplements, while The Four-Day Insurance Policy provides an immediate, accelerated boost. Both programs rely on the same foundation: easy to follow lifestyle modifications that yield some eye-popping results. Dr. Lamm offers simple changes that can fend off cardiovascular disease and preserve sexual health. He suggests eating many prosexual foods like bananas, chocolate, grapes and honey that increase hardness by upping the blood flow. The program also calls for supplements like Prelox™ (a combination of L-arginine and Pycnogenol), niacin, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids to enhance vascular health, which is directly linked to harder erections. To bolster libido, Dr. Lamm recommends the Chinese herb, horny goat weed. The plans also encourage walking and strengthening exercises to improve overall conditioning.

A thorough lifestyle manual,

THE HARDNESS FACTOR even includes fun, sexy menus designed by acclaimed New York chef and restaurateur Waldy Malouf. Mouth-watering seasonal dishes like Shrimp with Tomato Horseradish Salsa, Chili Rubbed Chicken Fingers with Molasses and Brandy Sauce and Caramelized Bananas with Blood Oranges, Rum, and Spices are certain to tantalize the palate and send the sexual appetite into overdrive.

Success stories featured throughout the book show just how well

THE HARDNESS FACTOR can work. Easy to follow and stick with, Dr. Lamm’s program offers the promise of unimaginable sexual satisfaction and improved overall health. With THE HARDNESS FACTOR, Dr. Lamm issues a wake up call to men everywhere that cannot be ignored: get healthier to stay harder longer.

About the Author:

A graduate of Columbia University and New York University School of Medicine, Dr. Steven Lamm is an internist with a private medical practice in New York City. Recognizable to millions of television viewers from his frequent appearances on ABC-TV’s

The View, he is active in clinical research and is in great demand as a lecturer. He lives in New York City with his wife and five children. Dr. Lamm has written, in collaboration with Gerald Secor Couzens, several previous books including the The Virility Solution, Younger At Last and the bestseller Thinner at Last. THE HARDNESS FACTOR:

How to Achieve Your Best Health and Sexual Fitness at Any Age

By Dr. Steven Lamm with Gerald Secor Couzens

HarperCollins Publishers

368 pages

Publication Date: May 31, 2005


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