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Epigraphy and Cambridge students

Ernest Stewart Roberts (1847-1912) was one of the significant influences on Cambridge students for the study of epigraphy. He was college lecturer in classics at Gonville & Caius (and later Master). One of his students was Ernest Gardner (1862-1939), the first student at and second director of the BSA. They later collaborated on Roberts' two volume Introduction to Greek Epigraphy (1887-1905).

Gardner had published the Greek inscriptions from Petrie's excavations at Naukratis as well as studies of Cockerell's notes on Greek inscriptions. Henry J.W. Tillyard (1881-1968) was also a student at Caius. He was admitted to the BSA as assistant librarian (1904/05) and took part in the work in Laconia publishing the inscriptions from Geraki and Sparta (1906, 1907).

Few other Cambridge students published inscriptions. William Loring (1865-1915) published a fragment from the Edict of Diocletian from Megalopolis, and some new inscriptions from the site of ancient Tegea. Vincent Yorke (1869-1957) took part in the surveys of eastern Anatolia and published some of the finds. Caroline Amy Hutton (c. 1861-1931) published some funerary texts from Suvla Bay, and the Greek inscriptions from Petworth House.

Alan Wace (and Maurice Thompson) published a Latin inscription of the reign of Trajan that they had noted in Macedonia. However they seemed to have passed their notes on inscriptions to Oxford-trained Marcus N. Tod and Arthur M. Woodward.

Select bibliography
Gardner, E. A. 1885a. "Inscriptions copied by Cockerell in Greece, I." Journal of Hellenic Studies 6: 143-52.
—. 1885b. "Inscriptions copied by Cockerell in Greece, II." Journal of Hellenic Studies 6: 340-63.
—. 1885c. "Inscriptions from Cos, &c." Journal of Hellenic Studies 6: 248-60.
—. 1886. "An inscription from Chalcedon." Journal of Hellenic Studies 7: 154-56.
—. 1887. "An inscription from Boeae." Journal of Hellenic Studies 8: 214-15.
—. 1893. "The Archermus inscription." Classical Review 7: 140-41.
Hutton, C. A. 1914/16a. "The Greek inscriptions at Petworth House." Annual of the British School at Athens 21: 155-65.
—. 1914/16b. "Two sepulchral inscriptions from Suvla Bay." Annual of the British School at Athens 21: 166-68.
Loring, W. 1890. "A new portion of the edict of Diocletian from Megalopolis." Journal of Hellenic Studies 11: 299-342.
—. 1895. "Four fragmentary inscriptions." Journal of Hellenic Studies 15: 90-92.
Tillyard, H. J. W. 1904/05a. "Boundary and mortgage stones from Attica." Annual of the British School at Athens 11: 63-71.
—. 1904/05b. "Laconia II. Geraki. 3. Inscriptions." Annual of the British School at Athens 11: 105-12.
—. 1905/06a. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 9. Inscriptions from the Artemisium." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 351-93.
—. 1905/06b. "Laconia II. Excavations at Sparta, 1906. § 14. Inscriptions from the altar, the acropolis, and other sites." Annual of the British School at Athens 12: 441-79.
Tod, M. N. 1922. "Greek inscriptions from Macedonia." Journal of Hellenic Studies 42: 167-83.
Tod, M. N., H. J. W. Tillyard, and A. M. Woodward. 1906/07. "Laconia I. Excavations at Sparta, 1907. § 10. The inscriptions." Annual of the British School at Athens 13: 174-218.
Wace, A. J. B., and M. S. Thompson. 1910/11. "A Latin inscription from Perrhaebia." Annual of the British School at Athens 17: 193-204.
Wace, A. J. B., and A. M. Woodward. 1911/12. "Inscriptions from Upper Macedonia." Annual of the British School at Athens 18: 166-88.
Woodward, A. M. 1913. "Inscriptions from Thessaly and Macedonia." Journal of Hellenic Studies 33: 313-46.
Yorke, V. W. 1898. "Inscriptions from eastern Asia Minor." Journal of Hellenic Studies 18: 306-27.

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