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Campbell on Constitutional Rights Before Realism

Jud Campbell, University of Richmond School of Law, has posted Constitutional Rights Before Realism, which appears in the University of Illinois Law Review 2020: 1433-1454:

Stephen J. Field (LC)
This Essay excavates a forgotten way of thinking about the relationship between state and federal constitutional rights that was prevalent from the Founding through the early twentieth century. Prior to the ascendancy of legal realism, American jurists understood most fundamental rights as a species of general law that applied across jurisdictional lines, regardless of whether these rights were constitutionally enumerated. And like other forms of general law, state and federal courts shared responsibility for interpreting and enforcing these rights. Nor did the Fourteenth Amendment initially disrupt this paradigm in ways that we might expect. Rather than viewing rights secured by the Fourteenth Amendment as distinctively “national,” most early interpreters thought that these rights remained a species of general law. For several decades, debates instead focused on the extent to which these rights were enforceable in federal court, akin to the way that federal courts could hear general-law claims in diversity-jurisdiction cases. It was only with the rise of legal realism that American jurists began to conceptualize fundamental rights distinctively in terms of state (constitutional) law and federal (constitutional) law and to divide interpretive authority into state and federal spheres.
–Dan Ernst

Exclusive Interview with Prince Davit Bagrationi of Georgia

In November, French journalist Frederic de Natal interviewed HRH Prince Davit Bagrationi of Georgia. Monsieur de Natal, who is a dear friend, has given me permission to post the English-language translation of his interview with the Head of the Royal House of Bagrationi. Frederic de Natal primarily focuses on news relating to the royal families of the world; he is the creator of the website Monarchies et Dynasties du Monde.


Frederic de Natal (FdN): "The Russian Revolution of 1917 forced your family into exile. You were born in Madrid, Spain, and lived there a large portion of your life. How did you experience this exile?"

Prince David Bagrationi of Georgia and King Felipe VI of Spain.

Prince David: "Spain has always welcomed a large number of Royal Families from Eastern Europe. We will always be indebted to this wonderful country, whose people who have always treated us with great love and respect, whether they were monarchists or not. I retain a certain tenderness from my years of exile, which for me lasted twenty-seven years. I still have family and close friends there and I keep a special relationship with the country. In our sorrow for not having lived in our homeland, I must admit we were very fortunate."


FdN: "In 1995, Prince George Bagration, your father, returned to your country, Georgia. What kind of memories do you retain of your father?"

The late Prince Giorgi Bagrationi.

Prince David: "My father put his feet on Georgian soil for the first time in the early 1990s, after the fall of the Communist regime. He returned for the reburial of my great-grandparents, who had died in Spain. Today all three rest in the Royal Pantheon of Svetiskhoveli Cathedral, in Mtskheta, a town near Tbilisi. Twelve years after the death of my father, his spirit is still very close to me. He always held a deep love for Georgia. He was a true patriot, who was the head of our house for thirty-one years and who never let himself be influenced by the different political parties, including during the years of crisis and the civil war which broke out after Georgian independence. With the advice he gave me, I can keep my feet on the ground."


FdN: "You are today the legitimate heir to the throne of Georgia. What are your current activities as head of the Royal House?"

Prince David Bagrationi and Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex.

Prince David: "Georgia is now a presidential republic, which greatly limits my activities within the country. And yet, there is still a lot of work to be done. I am involved in charitable organizations and I am also involved in various environmental projects. I try to attract foreign investors in order to make Georgia internationally known by emphasising the history of its ancient dynasty: its culture, customs, and traditions."


FdN: "Like your father, you are passionate about motor racing. Is it a job you would have liked to pursue and why?"

Prince Davit Bagrationi and his son Prince Giorgi.

Prince David: "Yes I am! Not only am I passionate about motor racing, but about in motorsports in general. When I was younger, I spent more time riding motorcycles and racing. I have learned a lot through motorsport. Things such as being serious, courageous, focused, disciplined, always remaining calm in extreme situations, making correct decisions in milliseconds - all which are essential elements to master the basics of this sport. In recent years, I have participated in thirty car races. In fact, last August I did an endurance race which consisted of crossing Georgia from the sea to the mountainous areas without setting foot at once. Three days of competition where I discovered young talents. I think this sport should be promoted by more institutions and business, it would allow Georgia to have a very positive impact abroad, much better than any of our current commercials. I find that sport is generally an excellent promotional tool for a country."


FdN: "In 2018, you were invited to attend the swearing-in of President Salome Zourabishvili. What is your current relationship with the Georgian government?"

Prince Davit Bagrationi and President Salome Zourabishvili.

Prince David: "This was an important ceremony, as the inauguration took place in the palace of the last king of Kartl-Kakheti in Telavi, an area in eastern Georgia internationally known for its wines. On several occasions in recent years, President Zourabishvili has spoken out in favor of the return of the monarchy. She understands the advantages Georgia could get from a possible replacement of the head of state by a constitutional monarch. The relationship that we [the Bagrationi dynasty] have with the government is excellent, and we hope that this positive dialogue will continue well into the future."


FdN: "Does the Royal House of Bagrationi enjoy a special status in Georgia like that one in Romania or Montenegro? If not, would you like to get a special status?"

Prince David: "Being able to live in our country is already a special status in itself. The royal house has not asked for favors from any Georgian government. But I would like a better supervision and a better protection of the historical heritage of my ancestors. It is always believed that when a royal house is overthrown, here in Georgia it was by a foreign country [Russia], then that dynasty has no longer has any rights. I deeply regret that some of the businessmen who live in our former properties use the history of my ancestors, including our coat of arms, for commercial purposes. I think this should be better regulated today."


FdN: "Legislative elections were held this month. Two monarchist movements participated in this election but achieved very poor results. How do you explain this when the polls about the monarchal restoration issue seem to be significantly growing?"

Prince David: "To tell you the truth, there are very few political parties in Georgia which are in favour of the reestablishment of the monarchy. I think we have to be very careful about this. I recall that kings are above parties, acting for the common good, far away from partisan and political quarrels."


FdN: "The Union of Georgian Traditionalists is the oldest monarchist movement and was founded by your grandfather, Prince Irakli, in 1939. Upon independence, the party lead the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia (1991-1992) before the beginning of the civil war. There were even talks of a possible restoration of the monarchy. Are you in contact with them?"

Prince David: "In the 1990s, it was a real political force. Today, they barely exceed the 1% mark in elections. I do not follow their activities closely, but I have maintained a friendship with one of the former member of the party."


FdN: "His Holiness Patriarch Ilia II, the highest religious authority in Georgia, has called many times for a return of the constitutional monarchy. Several political parties have expressed support for this initiative, but this issue divides Georgians. Do you think that the monarchy is the solution that will put an end to the crises which follow one by one in the country and which will achieve its unity? Which political parties today support the return of the monarchy?"

Prince David Bagrationi and Patriarch Ilia II.

Prince David: "I have great respect and love for His Holiness Patriarch Ilia II. For many years, he said himself that he was in favour of a restoration, with all that that implies, and I am very grateful for his courage. Just as I am thankful for the advice that he has given me over the years. Some political parties have expressed their support, or pseudo-support, for the return of the monarchy, but an honest situation must be made of this issue. Indeed, I fear that some of these parties are using the idea of monarchy as a weapon in order to weaken their opponents, who do not hesitate to attack us. Others have wanted or are trying to circumvent the ancient rules of succession of our dynasty by proposing other pretenders to the throne."


FdN: "If tomorrow you were King of Georgia, what would be your first decisions?"

Prince David: "It is likely that I would seek to appoint a member of the House of Bagration in Georgia to succeed me at some point, Orthodox, who meets the dynastic rules of succession, who would be independent and who would have the strength to meet such a daunting task as being a ruler."


FdN: "It was Russia that ended the independence of the Kingdom of Georgia in 1812 and annexed the country into the Russian empire. This dominance lasted until the fall of the Soviet Union. In 2008, Russia briefly invaded Georgia. What were your feelings at that time?"

Prince Davit with Georgian soldiers during the 2008 conflict.

Prince David: "In these times of war, you understand what barbarism means. It is also the symbol of man's fallen nature as a human being. No one truly emerges from deadly conflicts as victorious. We realise what the word 'peace' means, and we understood it even more in this specific case. We have succeeded in favouring dialogue carried out in mutual respect. You know, no matter how diverse everyone thinks in this kind of context, we always have to find a way to avoid confrontation and even more so when armed conflict takes place."


FdN: "According to you, religion cannot be separated from the monarchy and still be the cement of the Georgian nation?"

Prince David: "Without a doubt! The Georgian kings and the Patriarchs who have succeeded one another have always been in perfect harmony for a thousand years. In fact, some of my ancestors were also Patriarchs of Georgia. I remain convinced that our religion is a source of unity for all Georgians."


Born at Madrid on 24 June 1976, Prince Davit Bagrationi is the son of Prince George Bagrationi (1944-2008) and his first wife doña María de las Mercedes de Zornoza y Ponce de León (1942-2020). Through his father, the prince is a cousin of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia, the Head of the Imperial House of Romanov. In 2009, Prince Davit married Princess Anna Bagrationi; the couple had one son, Prince Giorgi (b.2011). Prince Davit Bagrationi, who lives in Georgia, is the Grand Master Grand Collar of the Order of the Eagle of Georgia.  

Music and History: The Black death

 Here you have a song-parody of the terrible bubonic plague...

And here you have this article to have more information about it, and by the way you practice some more english!

And finally, the video proposed by the class book:

The Black Death from Christopher Brown on Vimeo.

Jo Seung Min

Jo Seung Min

Selfies Summer 2020

Sullivan on infanticide in Reformation Spain

 Nazanin Sullivan published the following article earlier this fall: " 'Performing public piety': infanticide and reproductive agency in Reformation Spain," Women's History Review (29 Oct. 2020). Here's the abstract: 

This article focuses on infanticide prosecution in sixteenth-century Spain, and the judicial fate of women suspected of violating both criminal law and Christian precepts in the era of Tridentine reform. Through court records from the Kingdom of Navarre (annexed by the Castilian crown in 1515), the author explores how women on trial for the suspicious death of their infants co-opted language of Christian maternity and Catholic sacramental morality to craft their defense against prosecutorial allegations of murder and sacrilege. The article argues that accused infanticidal mothers used performative public piety and doctrinal ambiguity surrounding the post-mortem fate of the unbaptized to their legal advantage, not only to plead their innocence but also to assert their reproductive agency before the early modern Spanish court.

Further information is available here

--Mitra Sharafi 

Siegelberg in the Washington History Seminar

The next Washington History Seminar Panel is with Mira Siegelberg, Cambridge University, on her book Statelessness: A Modern History, with a comment by LHB Founder Mary L. Dudziak, Emory University.  It takes place Monday, December 7 at 4:00 pm ET.  Register here.  It may be viewed on the National History Center’s Facebook Page or the Wilson Center website.

Two world wars left millions stranded in Europe. The collapse of empires and the rise of independent states in the twentieth century produced an unprecedented number of people without national belonging and with nowhere to go. Following a generation of theorists and practitioners who took up the problem of mass statelessness, Siegelberg weaves together a history of ideas of law and politics, rights and citizenship, with the intimate plight of stateless persons. Drawing on extensive archival research and an innovative approach to the history of international order, Siegelberg explores how and why the rise and fall of statelessness in modern thought compels a new understanding of the historical relationship between states and citizens, empires and states, and of the legitimation of the territorial state against alternative forms of political organization in the twentieth century.

–Dan Ernst

A Sherlockian Christmas Triptych

 One of my Christmas presents came early this year.

A Three-Pipe Christmas, now available on Amazon (click here), is a long-held dream of mine come to fruition in a way that exceeded my expectations.

 Some years ago, I noticed the intersection of three wonderful stories related to Sherlock Holmes: “The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle” is the only canonical Holmes tale set during Christmas. August Derleth’s Solar Pons story, “The Adventure of the Unique Dickensians,” is also set at Christmas and plays off of Vincent Starrett’s classic pastiche, “The Adventure of the Unique Hamlet.” The latter two stories were both first published at Christmas as chapbooks in very limited editions – “Hamlet” in 1920 and “Dickensians” in 1968.

My dream was to put the three stories together in one book, along with three essays on each – reflections by top-notch Sherlockians. Derrick and Brian Belanger, of Belanger Books, liked the idea and ran with it, creating a beautiful book with five illustrations for each story.

But A Three-Pipe Christmas isn’t just another pretty face. The lineup of writers is incredibly strong – Julie McKuras, Monica M. Schmidt, and Shannon Carlisle on “The Blue Carbuncle”; Susan Rice, your humble servant, and Randall Stock on “Hamlet,” and David Marcum, Bob Byrne, and Roger Johnson on “Dickensians.” I’m grateful that they all agreed to play in my sandbox.

The brilliant and elegant essay by the legendary Susan Rice, “The Unique Starrett,” holds a special meaning for me. It was her final work. Susan sent it to me on March 28 of this year and crossed beyond the Reichenbach on September 28. I didn’t know her well, but I will always remember her kindness as well as her scholarship.

Needless to say (but I’ll say it!), this book is just made for a spot under your favorite Sherlockian’s Christmas tree. Proceeds will be donated to the R. Joel Senter Essay Contest of the Beacon Society, which provides cash prizes to students who write winning essays about Sherlock Holmes. In that sense, it will be a gift that keeps on giving!

Protein İçeren Besinler

protein bakımından zengin besinler

Proteinler vücut geliştirme sporcuları için vazgeçilmezdir. Kas gelişimi için proteinlere ihtiyaç duyduğumuz herkes tarafından bilinen bir gerçektir. Bu yazımızda proteinler konusunun daha derinine inerek protein nedir, hangi besinlerde daha fazla protein bulunur ve günlük ne kadar protein almalıyım gibi soruların cevabını arayacağız.

Protein Nedir?

Proteinler, hücre büyümesini ve gelişmesini sağlar. Vücut tarafından üretilmediği için dışarıdan besin yolu ile alınması gereklidir. Proteinler kasları güçlendirir, kansızlığı önler ve vücut direncini yüksek tutar. Proteinleri meydana getiren yaklaşık 20 adet amino asit mevcuttur. "Basmışım amino asidi, taş gibiyim" tabirinin dayanak noktası da proteinlerin içinde bulunan amino asitlerdir.

Protein Bakımından Zengin Besinler

Kırmızı Et (100 gr) - 35 gr

Tavuk Göğsü (100 gr) - 30 gr

Yumurta  (1 Adet) - 6 gr

Balık (100 gr) - 26 gr

Karides (100 gr) - 24 gr

Yeşil Mercimek (100 gr) - 25 gr

Nohut (100 gr) - 19 gr

Süt (1 Bardak 200 ml) - 6,7 gr

Yoğurt  (100 gr) - 10 gr

Kabak Çekirdeği  (100 gr) - 24 gr

Peynir  (100 gr) - 32 gr

Badem  (100 gr) - 22 gr

Yer Fıstığı (100 gr) - 25 gr

Yulaf Ezmesi (100 gr) - 12 gr

Yukarıdaki listede besinler ve içerisindeki protein miktarlarını gramajları ile birlikte sizler için paylaştık. Sağlıklı bir kas gelişimi için günlük olarak almanız gereken protein ihtiyacını bu besinler yardımı ile karşılayabilirsiniz.

Bir Vücut Geliştirmecinin Günlük Alması Gereken Protein Miktarı Nedir?

Vücut geliştirme sporcusunun sağlıklı bir şekilde kas gelişimini sağlaması için kilosu başına günlük (yaklaşık)  2 gr protein alması şarttır. Örnek vermek gerekir ise;

  • 70 kg bir sporcu için günlük 140 gr
  • 75 kg bir sporcu için günlük 150 gr
  • 80 kg bir sporcu için günlük 160 gr
  • 85 kg bir sporcu için günlük 170 gr
  • 90 kg bir sporcu için günlük 180 gr

Burada verdiğimiz protein miktarları sizin yaşınıza, cinsiyetinize, kas ve yağ miktarınıza, antrenman şiddetinize göre farklılık gösterebilir. İdeal protein ihtiyacınızı öğrenmek için bir beslenme uzmanına başvurabilirsiniz.

Protein Tozu Nedir?

Protein tozları, peynir altı suyundan üretilen besin takviyeleridir. Vücut geliştirme sporcuları tarafından kas gelişimini desteklemesi için protein tozları kullanılmaktadır.

Protein Tozu Kullanmak Şart Mıdır?

Hayır. Kas gelişimi için protein şarttır, protein tozu değil. Protein tozları bir besin değil, besin takviyesidir. Kullanım amaçları ise günlük protein ihtiyacınızı daha kolay ve pratik yollarla karşılayabilmektir. Sporcuların işini kolaylaştırdığı yadsınamaz bir gerçektir fakat kendinizi protein tozuna şartlamayın, özellikle de fiyatları bu kadar artmışken...

Vücut geliştirmede beslenme ile ilgili tüm merak ettiklerinize buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Highly Special Designs Backpacks for Travel, Designer Beach Towels, Business Gifts for Christmas, All Great Christmas Gift Ideas ! ! !

Thanks for having a look at our
Highly FOLLOW Worthy Blog today,

We Have Highly Special Designs from Sand Yachting 

On for Example: 

Backpacks for Travel!

                                                    Read More About BOLD FACE Gear

As you know we have several photos and
made designs for

Designer Beach Towels

(as you can see our photo here above) and

Business Gifts for Christmas 

from our photos.

Sand Yachting Desk Business Card Holder

Spectacular Photos:

As you could read in a previous
Blog post titled:

Our New Beach Towels Are Already Viewed a Lot!

At a birthday party there we had some pretty exciting
like the racing sport, Sand Yachting on a stormy beach, that was the
decor for pretty Spectacular Speed Sports Photos
from Fun Sport racing Sand Yachts. 

Also See that this is a Great way of GREEN TRAVEL ! ! !

Since the water was pretty near the shore,
you really had to make a lot of speed not to get stuck
in the Muddy water near the turning point.
You really had to pull really hard to pick up the wind,
only not to hard because than you could easily tip over
like the Sand Yachts you see in the Beach Towel Photo here below.

Look At An Example of A Customizable
Beach Towel You Can Put
Your Name On

Other Great Beach Products:

Things To Take With You At the Beach

We also have 

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a Special

Christmas Holliday Collection

Mars (Lion) Liu

Mars (Lion) Liu
Posing Practice Fall 2019