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Brutal Arab bodybuilder Sayed Ibrahim Al Hashmi

Sayed Ibrahim Al Hashimi is an IFBB Pro bodybuilder from Dubai (UAE). He won the Overall Title of the IFBB Mr. Olympia India 2017 in Mumbai. Most of the pics on this post are during his workout in off season condition and we like that because he is like a strong muscle bear!

Country: UAE/Dubai
Birthdate: ?
Height: ?
Competition weight: +100kg/220lb
Off season weight: ?


Cyprus Mail - article by Bejay Browne - 17 October 2018

Neptune, Sinbad & Galene

Three tiny stowaway kittens from Cyprus have hit the headlines in the UK after they were discovered trapped inside a car and apparently survived a week-long journey without food or water.
Neptune, Sinbad and Galene, as they have been named, were found inside a vehicle on board ‘Eddystone’, a military vessel, a week into a ten-day, 2,000-mile journey from Limassol to Southampton in the UK, according to a Just Giving page that has been set up by the UK Cats Protection charity to raise money for the trio.
Cats Protection is the UK’s leading feline welfare charity and they help around 200,000 cats and kittens every year.
The lucky felines were discovered by the ship’s crew who looked after them for the remainder of the journey and gave them their names.
The kittens were given a clean bill of health and have now begun a three-month stay in quarantine, being paid for by Cats Protection after which the charity will find them new homes.
The ship’s agent, Patrick Fortnum told Metro UK on Wednesday how surprised the crew were to see three kittens sitting on the car’s dashboard staring out at them.
“They were about three or four weeks old and were in remarkably good condition considering they’d had no food or water for a week. Their survival is miraculous,” he told the paper.
He added that the vessel’s crew quarantined them in an empty cabin for four days and kept them fed and warm. He said that the kittens were very friendly and not at all timid or shy.
“We don’t know how they got into the car and they must have kept very quiet when the car was driven onto the boat because the driver didn’t hear or see anything odd.”
He added that the car was locked at the port of Limassol so it’s possible the kittens’ mother had exited the car and is still in Cyprus.
Cats Protection said they would be grateful for any donations towards the cost of their care, as quarantine and finding them a new home is likely to reach in excess of £2,000.
Any funds raised in excess of the appeal will be used to help other cats and kittens in the charity’s care.

Holmes for Christmas

Sherlock Holmes has a way of bringing people together – or together again.

A few years ago, I reconnected to grade school classmate Carolmarie Stock after 46 years through our shared interest in Sherlock Holmes.

She joined the Tankerville Club, our local scion society, and I dedicated my novel Bookmarked for Murder to her, “with fond memories of the class of ’66.”

Last month, when I turned 66, she gave me this great gift out of her personal collection. It’s a 1994 Hallmark Christmas Club ornament. Although I’m at that stage in live where I am letting go of a lot of things, I’m going to keep this.

Thanks again, Carolmarie!  

DIY Leaf Wreath

Today I have a tutorial for a Leaf Wreath! Thanks to sister Mandy, I also have step by step photos. (I always forget to take those...) Last week at work I was suddenly struck with a fit of fall craftiness and decided I needed make my own leaf wreath. I don't like letting all of Mother Nature's beauty go to waste! 
So on our Sunday morning walk with the Kerri dog we collected a huge stack of leaves! I had a couple of ideas on how to make the wreath, but ended up using my favorite styrofoam wreath wrapped in burlap ribbon. I wanted to really showcase all the leaves and I think it does!

The first step was to wax our leaves to help them last a bit longer without drying out and shriveling up. (I don't know how long it will actually make the leaves last, but I am hoping a couple of weeks.) We dried off any leaves that were dewy and laid them out on the table.
 Then we warmed up the iron, cut a piece of wax paper that fit nicely on the ironing board and arranged a bunch of the leaves on it. Make sure none of the leaves overlap, though we didn't worry about stems. It seemed to work better to lay the leaves face down on the waxed paper, preventing them from curling up when go to lay the top of wax paper on top.

 Place another piece of waxed paper on top of the leaves and iron. I had the iron on it's hottest setting and no steam. I didn't press hard or linger in any one place too long. Just like ironing fabric, smooth the wax paper across the leaves. You will see the paper melt together and on to the leaves.

Repeat these steps until you have all your leaves in wax paper. We had about 6 sheets of leaves. Once you are done, let them cool a few minutes while you gather the rest of your supplies.

You could do pretty much anything with your waxed leaves. Add them to a tabletop, clip them to twine for a garland or make a wreath!

I used regular sewing thread to wrap the leaves onto the wreath, thin wire would also work well. Knotting your thread at the starting point, wrap the thread around the back of the wreath, lay three or four leaves on the top and wrap the thread over the top of the wreath pulling snugly.

Continue placing leaves and wrapping the thread around the wreath being careful to keep the thread snug. This is the part where it is handy to have a second set of hands! Mandy would select a couple of leaves and lightly hold them in place while I wrapped the thread.

Keep on placing leaves and wrapping thread until you have covered your wreath. Somehow we came exactly perfect! We used the last of the leaves in the last wrap of thread! To secure the end of the thread, I pushed a straight pin into the wreath form, wrapped the thread several times around it and them knotted it around the pin. Once it was knotted, I then carefully pulled out the pin, moved it over a quarter of an inch to tighten it. And that is it!

Love all those fall colors! The leaves have already started curling a little bit, but it is still beautiful. 


Cyprus Mail - article byLizzy Ioannidou 16 October 2018

A new virus called Dharma is infecting computers and servers by encrypting and locking files, which can be unlocked only through a Bitcoin payment, authorities warned on Tuesday.
The police cybercrime unit is warning users to take necessary precautions and to not pay should their computers be infiltrated.
Dharma, a new version of high-risk ransomware/cryptoware, is targeting the computers and servers of companies, offices, and other users through emails with misleading titles and through insecure websites.
Once the virus has infiltrated a computer or server, Dharma encrypts stored files through asymmetric cryptography, locking the computer’s or server’s contents.
A text document is placed in every folder containing compromised files, requesting that a Bitcoin payment is paid as ransom for the unlocking of the files.
As of yet there is no effective method or software for the restoration of infected files, the cybercrime department said.
As such, they have requested that the public takes the necessary precautions.
First, the cybercrime unit suggests that files be backed up regularly. Users are also urged to refrain from opening links and downloading attachments sent from unknown sources, especially when the sender appears to be a service or company they are not aware of.
Users should also type URLs into their browsers themselves, instead of clicking on available links. Furthermore, users should make sure that their computer and other mobile devices are protected with up-to-date anti-virus programs, and that they are using an up-to-date version of their operating system.

In the event that a computer or server becomes infiltrated by Dharma, the cyber-crime department stresses that the ransom money should not paid out so as to discourage such illegal practices and to prevent the further spread of the phenomenon.