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Cyprus Mail - article

By Evie Andreou
The government has animal welfare high on its priorities and has already launched a number of actions to support volunteer groups, update legislation and encourage owners register their dogs, Agriculture Minister, Costas Kadis, said on Thursday.
The minister, who visited the Argos animal shelter in Ormidhia, in Larnaca on Thursday to mark the World Animal Day, observed on October 4, said that “better days” were on the cards for animal welfare issues.
His visit to the shelter, he said, was a symbolic one “to remind us of our obligation to collectively work toward the protection and welfare of animals.”

This, he said, was also an opportunity to congratulate volunteers and express gratitude for their dedication to the goal of ensuring animal protection and welfare.
“We consider volunteers as valuable associates in this effort,” Kadis said.
He added that animal welfare was among the government’s top priorities, hence the integrated action plan presented last July toward that end.
Some of these measures – concerning encouraging dog owners registering their pets, neutering and spaying of stray animals and awareness campaigns – have already being launched.
“I am referring, for example, to reinforcing animal welfare organisations by doubling the amount provided for the cat sterilisation programme,” Kadis said. He added that so far, around 800 cats have been neutered during phase one of the programme, and phase two has already started.
He said that a decree has also been issued on the obligatory microchipping of dogs and their registration in the national registry. The minister said he already had a meeting with representatives of veterinarians with the aim of soon announcing a number of incentives for dog owners to encourage them microchip their pets and register them with the authorities. This, he said, would help reducing the numbers of stray dogs.
At the same time, Kadis said, work is being done on the legal framework and a number of “very important laws and bills are pending before the legal services for vetting.”
These bills, he said, “ensure the proper conditions and provisions for the sale and possession of animals, animal display, they regulate the operation of zoos, and how we ought to treat our pets, forbid keeping permanently dogs on chains and many other provisions.”
Kadis said that they are also working in cooperation with the education ministry on an animal welfare awareness campaign targeting especially youth.
“Through these actions, better days will come concerning animal welfare in our country,” Kadis said.
Environment Commissioner, Ioanna Panayiotou welcomed the fact that the state “has finally a strategy to resolve these issues.”  She said that a change in mindset was very important. “The responsibility of the owner is the first and most important thing for me, followed by issues that have to do with sterilisation and microchipping to be able to resolve, through a long-term programme, this problem that we are facing,” she said.
Spokesman of Voice for Animals group, Dinos Ayiomamitis, said that animal welfare and protection is a round the clock, year-round effort and that volunteers put in enormous effort, adding that the assistance of the state and local authorities was very important for actual results.
He welcomed the government initiatives but stressed that a lot more must still be made.

The Animal Party, in its own message to mark the day, called for the creation of a commissioner post for the protection of animals to be filled by someone willing and able to battle against the apathy and legitimised mechanisms in place in Cyprus for the protection of animals. They said the post should be taken by someone with experience and knowledge in this field but also the political scene.

Eun Goo Kwon

Eun Goo Kwon
Beach Vacation Fall 2018

October muscle mix 2018

Triantafyllos Maragos (Greece)

Roelly Winklaar (Curucao/Netherlands)

Saeid Noori (Iran)

Laurie Carr (UK)

Mouhamed Riahi (Tunisia)

Ole Kristian Vaga (Norway)

Lorenzo Fea (Italy)

Mahmoud Moneir (Egypt)

Justin Metrando (USA)

Lukas Wyler (Switzerland)

Steve Benthin (Germany)

Miha Zupan (Slovenia)

Marek Olejniczak (Poland)

Radek Lonc (Czech Republic)

Shawn Rhoden (Jamaica)

Rafael Brandao (Brazil)

Aziz Marshedi (Kuwait)

Gregory Bellot (France/Spain)

Igor Fedorov (Russia)

Tayseer Al Khalfan (Saudi Arabia)

Alvaro Candia (Uruguay)

Martin Kjellstrom (Sweden)

Marek Szostak (Poland)

Raul Carrasco (Spain)

Charly Rodriguez (Mexico)

Athena Voltair 2/3

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Sayı 2


Cyprus Mail - article by Lizzy Ioaniddou 4 October 2018

The average household can expect an increase of 6.72 per cent on their bimonthly October electricity bill compared to their last bill in August, the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) has announced.
The increase affects domestic customers who consume an average of 800 kilowatt-hours every two months.
According to EAC’s latest data, those same households have seen their bills increase by 20.21 per cent between October 2017 and October 2018 and a whopping 32.93 per cent increase since October 2016.
The current hike in the price of electricity is down to the surge in the price of oil internationally.
The data provided by the EAC on fuel purchased for electricity purposes confirm that there are significant increases in price that are passed on to consumers: oil prices for October 2018 increased by 46.5 per cent compared to October 2015, by 68.07 per cent compared to October 2016, and by 44.73 per cent compared to October 2017.
This month’s oil was also 11.26 per cent more expensive than in August 2018, but 1.06 per cent cheaper than in September.
The increasingly steep electricity bills, which have also been affected by higher consumption from air conditioners over the summer, have left customers searching for alternative payment methods, with the EAC offering payment through installments if necessary.
Special payment arrangements can be made to accommodate domestic customers as long as they have not been charged with past settlement defaults, theft or illegal use of electricity metres.
The bill can be broken up into two or three installments, though the customer must pay the full amount before the next bimonthly bill is issued, so as to deter an accumulation of debt.
Public criticism of the price increases has targeted not only the EAC, but also the government for allowing Cyprus’ continued dependence on oil for energy and the unpredictable fluctuations in international markets.
Others attribute the recent large increases on the EAC’s monopoly and the continued postponement of creating a competitive electricity market.
High operating costs and the wages of EAC employees are other criticisms.
The EAC has explicitly stated that the increases are solely due to the rise in the price of oil on the international market.


Cyprus Mail - article by Evie Andreou 4 October 2018

The energy ministry announced on Thursday that, as of next week, it will be accepting applications for the subsidy scheme for thermal insulation of roofs of existing residences.
With a total budget of €3m, the scheme is expected to cover at least 2,400 applications for roof insulation. The scheme will remain in effect until the budget has been used up.

For more information and application forms:
Please note that the information and forms are only available in Greek


In recognition of World Animal Day, Animal Rescue Cyprus are offering FREE MICROCHIPPING for a whole week from 4th to 11th October.

For information call 26 946461, ext 116.

Lee CK

Lee CK
Photo Shoot Summer 2018


The aim is to provide security and service to citizens

Bicycle policing is one of the actions that the Cyprus Police have implemented in the context of the new anti-criminal policy it adopts 
with the aim of upgrading and quicker service of citizens and boosting a sense of security by enhancing the obvious police presence
and action.

In the context of upgrading the offered services of the Police to the citizens and by decision of the Chief of Police, the "Cycling Police" 
of the coastal cities was initially implemented on July 6, 2017, at the Famagusta Police Headquarters, and then expanded in the cities 
of Larnaca, Limassol and Paphos.

Police cyclists, among other things, conduct patrols with a stronger presence on the streets, squares and the coastal front, both for 
the purpose of preventing and suppressing crime, as well as for observing road safety rules as well as for the safety and service of 
citizens. They provide information to the public, deal with issues of general interest, in cooperation with and with the assistance of 
other Police Departments, while dealing with cases of a police nature.

Undoubtedly, the presence of cycling policemen is preventive and deterrent, since they can very easily penetrate areas where police 
patrols do not have access.


The police are searching for a 32-year-old RATZA DELMOLZ FRAGISCO, for facilitation of investigations, on an alleged case of kidnapping / kidnapping and joint assault, offenses committed on 30/09/2018 in Nicosia. 
The 32-year-old is described as about 1.75 m in height, of normal body with black short hair. 
Anyone who knows anything that can help locate him / her, can contact Nicosia at 22802222, or at the nearest Police Station, or the Citizen's Contact Line at number 1460 or online via the "Crime Class" in his application Police of Cyprus.

The police sought Marios Giannakou, aged 26, from Limassol, to facilitate investigations, on an alleged plot of conspiracy to commit felonies, extortion, joint assault, illegal possession and supply of drugs and money laundering. The above offenses were committed in Limassol between 2017 and 24/9/2018.  

Anyone who knows anything that can help locate him / her, can contact the TAE of Limassol at 25805057, or with the nearest Police Station, or the Citizen's Contact Line at 1460.