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ÖSYM'nin internet sitesinde yapılan duyuruya göre, 27 Mart 2011 tarihinde yapılan 2011-YGS'ye ait cevap kağıtlarınıngörüntüleri, sınava giren adayların kendicevap kağıtlarını inceleyebilmeleri amacıyla erişimeaçıldı.

Sınava giren adaylar kendi cevap kağıtlarınıngörüntüsünü, ÖSYM'nin ''''internet adresinden T.C kimlik numaraları ve şifreleri ile edinebilecekler.

Duyuruda, bu uygulamanın, adayı bilgilendirme amacıyla yapıldığı belirtilerek, görüntülenen sayfanınbelge niteliği taşımadığı, her türlü değerlendirmedeÖSYM sisteminde kayıtlı bilgilerin esas alındığı bildirildi.


Mhp de kaset skandalı hızını kesmeden devam ediyor daha geçtiğimiz günlerde internetten daha çok you tube yoluyla servis edilen bu görüntülere bir yenisi daha eklendi.

Daha önce iki genel başkan yardımcısı istifa etmek zorunda kalan MHP’de bu defa parti üst düzey yöneticileri ve İstanbul milletvekili adaylarının iki üniversite öğrencisiyle özel görüntüleri internete düştü

Seçimler öncesi MHP’yi karıştıran görüntüleri devamı geldi. Görevden ayrılan Recai Yıldırım ve Metin Çobanoğlu’nun seks görüntülerinin yenilerinde 16 yaşında bir kız çocuğunun da aralarında bulunduğu sayısız kadın var.

Görüntüler çeşitli internet sitelerinde alenen yayınlanıyor. Partiden kopan eski ülkücülerle, MHP Lideri Devlet Bahçeli arasında 12 Eylül Referandumunda doruk noktaya çıkan ve bir süredir devam eden savaşın son perdesi olarak internete konulduğu iddia edilen görüntülerde, Bahçeli’nin iki genel başkan yardımcısını partiden ihraç etmemesi nedeniyle görüntülerin devamının konduğu belirtiliyor. Görüntüler artı 18 sahneler içeriyor. Ayrıca fotoğraflar bulunuyor.
Daha önce adresinden yayın yapan ve mahkeme kararı ile kapatılan site şimdi de farklı bir adresten “PİSLİK 3″ Bülent DİDİNMEZ ve “PİSLİK 4″ İhsanBARUTÇU anonsu ile MHP Genel Başkan Yardımcılarının çok özel görüntülerini yayınlamaya başladı.

MHP’nin işgal altında olduğunu, Bahçeli’yi ise ‘Ülkücülüğü ve MHP’yi tasfiye’ etmekle itham eden bu yüzden yayınlara devam ettiklerini söyleyen site yazısına şu şekilde devam ediyor:

“Bozkurt maskeli çakalların partimizi işgali bitmedikçe kanımızın son damlasına kadar mücadeye devam edeceğiz… MHP işgal altındadır!

Partiyi bizlere emanet eden Rahmetli BAŞBUĞ’umuz, muvaffakiyet için Türk – İslam Ülküsünü de rehber tutmamızı bizlere vasiyet etmiştir. Ancak Parti yönetiminin bugün Bahçeli tarafından maalesef ulusalcı – ahlaksız – maneviyatsız bir anlayışa, bir çizgiye kaydırıldığı muhakkaktır. Her geçen gün gerçek Ülkücüler tasfiye edilmektedir ve Ülkücü maskeli çakallar Genel Merkezimizi işgal etmektedir. Bahçeli’nin pisliği ortaya dökülen bu çakallara sahip çıkması bunun en açık delilidir.

İşgalcilerin gerçek yüzlerini ortaya koymak mecburiyetindeyiz… Başka yolu kalmadı…

Eğer işgalcilerin gerçek yüzünü ortaya koymazsak ve bu çakalları partimizden kovamazsak, asla iktidar olamayacağız. Bu çakalların koltuk sevdası yüzünden, kıyamete dek devam edecek Kutlu Davamızın can çekişmesine tanık olacağız. Bu ahlaksız ihanet güruhunun amacı ve vazifesi Ülkücülüğü iktidar yapmak değil, “Ülkücülüğü bitirmek, tasfiye etmektir”.

Bu yönetimle bir yere varılamayacağı, halis niyetli Ülküdaşlarımız tarafından defaatle Bahçeli’ye anlatılmıştır. Önceleri konduramasak da nihayetinde fark edilmiş, görülmüş ve durum anlaşılmıştır ki; Bahçeli de iyi niyetli değildir ve MHP’yi bitirme operasyonun baş mimarıdır, bu dümenin içindedir ve bu güruhun aynı genlerini taşıyan parçasıdır.

Gerçekleri gördükten sonra ümidimizi tamamen kestiğimiz Bahçeli, son aday listesi belirlenmesinde çakal güruhu ve tasfiye ekibiyle güveç partilerinde kahkahalar eşliğinde Ülkücü davaya gönül verenleri liste dışı bırakmış, tasfiye etmiş; AKP’den kovulanları, ahlaksızları, hırsızları, solcuları, ulusalcıları baştacı – listebaşı yapmıştır.

Ülkücüler ve teşkilatımız artık uyanmalıdır. Bu çakalların, aşağılıkların şahsi ihtiraslarına, koltuk sevdalarına alet olunmamalıdır.


Great conductors of the 20TH century EMI VOL.36 - Karajan

CD1 [79:52]

Johann Strauss II: Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka
Musikvereinssaal, Vienna, October 1949
Wiener Philharmoniker

Walton: Symphony No.1
Live recording: Auditorium del Foro Italico, Rome, December 1953
Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma della RAI

Mussorgsky (orch. Ravel) Pictures at an Exhibition
Kingsway Hall, London, October 1955 & June 1956
Philharmonia Orchestra

CD2 [79:41]

Waldteufel: 'Les Patineurs' September 1960
Sibelius: Symphony No.4 July 1953
Kingsway Hall
Philharmonia Orchestra

Wagner: Death of Isolde ('Tristan und Isolde') (with Helga Dernesch)
Jesus-Christus-Kirche, Berlin-Dahlem, December 1971
Berliner Philharmoniker

Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (orch. Liszt/Doppler) January 1958
Weinberger: Polka ('Schwanda the Bagpiper') September 1960
Chabrier: España & Joyeuse Marche September 1960
Offenbach: Barcarolle ('Les Contes d'Hoffmann') January 1959
Kingsway Hall
Philharmonia Orchestra


Born in 1908 into an aristocratic Austrian dynasty of musically gifted doctors and academics, Herbert von Karajan had breeding and an embarrassment of talent. In his native Salzburg, in Ulm and Aachen in the 1930s, this was supplemented by an apprenticeship in the art of conducting with exemplary role models, as rigorous, wide-ranging and replete as any aspiring Kapellmeister could wish for. However, the times were out of joint: after the war he would be obliged to rebuild his career afresh. In 1948 he began a close collaboration with Walter Legge's newly formed Philharmonia Orchestra, a highly fruitful relationship that lasted for the better part of a decade. From 1957 to 1964 he served as artistic director of the Vienna State Opera and worked closely with La Scala, Milan. However, the most important collaboration of Karajan's career - indeed one of the great musical partnerships of the 20th century - was with the Berlin Philharmonic; a partnership that began in 1955, when he succeeded Furtwängler as music director, and ended shortly before Karajan's death in 1989.
The live Italian Radio recording of Walton's First Symphony is the most exciting addition to Karajan's discography since the conductor's death in 1989. Taken from acetates supplied by RAI, the performance reveals the affinity Karajan felt for the music of Walton, whose Belshazzar's Feast he had conducted in Vienna in 1947: 'the best choral music that's been written in the last 50 years'. The later recordings come from Karajan's hugely successful period with Walter Legge's Philharmonia Orchestra and include a number of fine recordings which, after a number of years, are being revived here (in new remasterings) and which demonstrate the special relationship Karajan developed with the orchestra. The composer himself greatly admired this 1953 recording of Sibelius's Fourth Symphony, and the Mussorgsky/Ravel Pictures at an Exhibition is both thrillingly played and spectacularly recorded. The most recent recording featured in this compilation is of Karajan and his Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in the Liebestod from the 1971 complete recording of Wagner's Tristan und Isolde. Like Beecham, Karajan had a great fondness for high quality 'light' music and a number of fine examples have been included in this set. Conductors of The 20th Century Vol 36- Herbert Von Karajan.part1.rar Conductors of The 20th Century Vol 36- Herbert Von Karajan.part2.rar Conductors of The 20th Century Vol 36- Herbert Von Karajan.part3.rar Conductors of The 20th Century Vol 36- Herbert Von Karajan.part4.rar


Süper bir kamera şakası


Nihat Doğan la Pascal Nouma sonunda yumruk yumruğa kavga ettiler.Kavgayı orada bulunan set ekibi zorlukla ayırdı.Surviver diğer bir deyimle sörvayvır :) büyük heyecanla devam ediyor daha neler görcez bakalım

Some Great Australian Places

Have you been to Australia? Although there are many cool things here, like Koalas, Kangaroos and The Most Deadly Snake in the World, The Black Mamba (spoken in a Steve Austin accent, as he shoves the snake in his face). BUT. They have a lot of other cool things. So. Let me talk to you about what we have done and far.

First up, and everyone should do this, is the Great Ocean Road. You drive along the coast and it IS beautiful. There are weird stone formations, blue blue water and the drive itself is (windy but) divine.

The Twelve Apostles
Next up, was some Lebanese food. I know, you thought, LEBANESE? In Australia? YES. And it's great.

Falafel, Kibby, Tzatziki, Hummus and more!
Then we went to Melbourne to meet up with some friends I had met in Argentina. And we walked around town. And we ate. And ate. AND ATE. Yum. I had heard there was great food in Melbourne but I had never experienced it. Well.... it was great!

Melbourne Grafitti

Swanston St

Yarra River

Dinner with Friends!
We also went to the Healdsville Animal Sanctuary, where we saw all the usual cuprits that I spoke about the other day: koalas, kangaroos, echidnas and emus. It was so fun! One more example:

Echidna -- bad photo

You can see a better example of an Echidna below. By the way, it is another egg laying mammal. Weird.

Next up: Sydney!

Then we go home...I can't believe it has come so soon. It seems like it's been so long...and I can't believe it's over so soon.

S is for Some. You can find more A-Z blogfest posts here

Have you ever been to Australia? What were your favorite places?  

PS. I have been here before (it was pre-blogging) and will post some other great things in a future post. Some things I won't get to this time, but I know are worth seeing!  

Great conductors of the 20TH century EMI VOL.35 - Toscanini

CD1 [74:51]

Berlioz: Grand Overture 'Les Francs Juges'
April 1941

Brahms: Symphony No.4
November 1948

Dvorák: Symphonic Variations
December 1948

Puccini: Intermezzo ('Manon Lescaut', Act III)
July 1944 Live recordings: NBC Studio 8H, New York
NBC Symphony Orchestra

CD2 [78:22]

Wagner: Overture 'Rienzi'
Live recording: NBC Studio 8H, New York, December 1938
NBC Symphony Orchestra

Beethoven: Symphony No.6 'Pastoral'
Queen's Hall, London, October 1937
BBC Symphony Orchestra

Wagner: Brünnhilde's Immolation ('Götterdämmerung') (with Helen Traubel)
Live recording: Carnegie Hall, New York, February 1941
NBC Symphony Orchestra

Bellini: Introduction, Chorus & Cavatina ('Norma')
(with Nicola Moscona)
Live recording: Carnegie Hall, New York, December 1945
Boys' Choir & Peter Wilhovsky Chorus
NBC Symphony Orchestra


The Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini (1867-1957), who would become a phenomenon in the world of musical performance in the 20th century and an abiding influence as an interpreter (particularly of the music of Beethoven, Wagner & Verdi), was born, the son of a tailor, in Parma in 1867. His musical gifts were such that he was enrolled at the city's Conservatory by the age of nine. Starting his career as an orchestral cellist, he rapidly moved to conducting and served a ten-year 'apprenticeship' in Italian opera houses, before being appointed artistic director of La Scala, Milan, in 1898, aged 31. So it was that the first part of Toscanini's unprecedented 68-year-long career (1886-1954) would be spent in the theatre (15 years at La Scala and 7 years at the Metropolitan in New York), where he pursued his ideal of opera as a totally integrated dramatic art. Once he had achieved that, his career moved from the pit almost exclusively to the podium and the centre of his musical activities became New York, where he was principal conductor of the Philharmonic (1928-36) and then, even more famously and for very nearly the rest of his life, the director of a radio orchestra, the NBC Symphony, created specially for him. He stayed with the orchestra for 17 years and made most of his recordings with it. He died in 1957, two months before his 90th birthday.
The importance of the material on these two CDs lies not only in the rarity of the live recordings, which have not been available before, but also in the rarity of some of these works in Toscanini's own repertoire. The performance of Beethoven's 'Pastoral' Symphony was given in London with the BBC Symphony Orchestra in 1937 and is widely considered to be Toscanini's finest recording of the work, with the conductor at his most expressive and persuasive. The live recordings of the Brahms Symphony (from 1948) and of Brünnhilde's Immolation from Wagner's Götterdämmerung (from 1941) are new to the catalogue and demonstrate the extra intensity Toscanini achieved when performing in front of an audience. The other broadcasts feature works that Toscanini rarely performed in the United States (or, in the case of the Wagner and Berlioz overtures, anywhere else). Furthermore, the extracts from Bellini's Norma, from the two Wagner operas and from Puccini's Manon Lescaut remind us of Toscanini's devotion to the world of opera in the earlier part of his career. Conductors of The 20th Century Vol 35 - Arturo Toscanini.part1.rar Conductors of The 20th Century Vol 35 - Arturo Toscanini.part2.rar Conductors of The 20th Century Vol 35 - Arturo Toscanini.part3.rar

Suicide Notes From 10 Famous People

5. Clara Blandick – American Actress (June 4, 1880 – April 15, 1962)

Clara Blandick

Clara Blandick, Actress

She was a famous film actress who committed suicide at the age of 82. She was not having a good health and failed to endure the pain. In her last days she remained depressed and dependent. Clara in her life made many brilliant appearances on the screen. Her role in the movie Wizard of Oz gave her the identity of Auntie Em. In 1950′s she fell sick. She had arthritis and her vision almost ended. On April 15th, 1962 she committed suicide by overdosing herself with sleeping pills. She left the following note which expressed her agony and inability to endure the pain:

I am now about to make the great adventure. I cannot endure this agonizing pain any longer. It is all over my body. Neither can I face the impending blindness. I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen.

4. George Sanders – Actor (1906 – April 25, 1972)

George Sanders

George Sanders, Actor

George Henry Sanders is known for many famous appearances on the cinema and television screen like his roles of Addison DeWitt in the 1950 film All About Eve as well as the voice of Shere Khan in Disney’s famous The Jungle Book. His film debut was in 1936, in the movie Find The Lady. He won the 1950 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor as theatre critic Addison De Witt in All About Eve. In 1957 he hosted a TV series entitled as The George Sanders Mystery Theater. He died by committing suicide and left the following note:

Dear World, I am leaving you because I am bored. I feel I have lived long enough. I am leaving you with your worries in this sweet cesspool – good luck.

3. Sara Teasdale – American Poetess (August 8, 1884 – January 29, 1933)

Sara Teasdale

Sara Teasdale, Poetess

Sara Teasdale was a very famous American Poetess, the writer of “Helen of Troy” and “Rivers to the Sea” among many other. She married a famous businessman Filsinger instead of Vachel Lindsay, a poet who loved her. Few years later she divorced her husband because his busy schedule left her lonely. At the age of 48, she committed suicide by overdosing on sleeping pills. A legend claims that her poem “I Shall Not Care” (which expresses feelings of abandonment and contemplation of death) was penned as her suicide note to a former lover. The poem was first published in her 1915, 18 years before her suicide in her collection Rivers to the Sea. Her lover Vachel Lindsay had committed suicide 2 years earlier than her. Her suicide note says:

When I am dead, and over me bright April Shakes out her rain drenched hair, Tho you should lean above me broken hearted, I shall not care. For I shall have peace. As leafey trees are peaceful When rain bends down the bough. And I shall be more silent and cold hearted Than you are now.

2. Kurt Cobain - Musician (February 20, 1967 – April 5, 1994)

Kurt Cobain Nirvana

Kurt Cobain, Musician

Kurt Donald Cobain, an American singer, songwriter, musician and artist founded the famous rock band “Nirvana” with Krist Novoselic in 1985. He took the band to the heights that no one can imagine. The Beatles and their famous song, “Hey Jude” were an inspiration for him towards music.

He loved classic and punk rock from his childhood. On his 14th birthday he was gifted a guitar by his uncle. With this the music within him got expression. He was in Munich, Germany on a tour on 01 March, 1994 when Cobain was diagnosed with Bronchitis and Laryngitis. The next day he took a flight to seek medical treatment in Rome. His wife joined him there on the 3rd of March, 1994. The next morning he was found unconscious due to an overdose on a combination of champagne and Rohypnol. Five days later he was discharged from the hospital. According to his wife it was his first suicide attempt.

On 8 April, 1994, an electrician discovered Cobain’s body at his Lake Washington home. He was found with a shotgun pointing at his chin and his body had a very high concentration of heroin and traces of Valium. Reports state that he must have died around 5 April, 1994. He had left a letter for his imaginary childhood friend, Buddah. He left behind thousands of mourners.

There is a debate regarding his death to be a suicide. Many people think that he was murdered by his own wife and the letter was written by her. He died with the following words.

Thank you all from the pit of my burning, nauseous stomach for your letters and concern during the past years. I’m too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don’t have the passion anymore, and so remember, it’s better to burn out than to fade away.

Peace, love, empathy,

Kurt Cobain

Frances and Courtney, I’ll be at your altar.
Please keep going Courtney, for Frances.
For her life, which will be so much happier without me.

I love you, I love you!

To read the entire note, visit the Link

1. Adolf Hitler – Leader of Nazi Party (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945)

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler, Leader

Adolf Hitler was a famous Austrian born German Leader and Politician. He founded the National Socialist German Workers Party also known as the Nazi Party. By the end of 1944 Hitler realized that Germany, his land has lost the war. He didn’t allow retreats. Hitler couldn’t bear the defeat. He died on 30 April 1945 in Berlin, where he and his wife committed suicide by gunshot and cyanide poisoning. His last will written one day prior to his death was his suicide note also. It says:

I myself and my wife – in order to escape the disgrace of deposition or capitulation – choose death. It is our wish to be burnt immediately on the spot where I have carried out the greatest part of my daily work in the course of a twelve years’ service to my people.




Sizce hangisi daha vahim

The Well Equipped Cook

Here is a collection of cookbook covers I am adding to my apron website. A good cookbook, a cute apron, how can you not turn out a delicious meal?
 Abt. 1909 I really like the pointed apron skirt.
 1922 Still looking very much like the last decade. Isn't the trim cute?
 Classic late 1920's!
 Early 1930s, love the floral.
 I loved the side veiw. abt 1919 Looks like the apron is dotted!
1906 Such detail on this one. Those shoulder straps are quite something!

I just love the illistrations. The ladies are too cute. Hope you enjoy them as much as I have! Pictures are from