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Best Abs Workout At Home - ONLY 8 Minutes

Here is a great video I found that will teach you some of the best abs workout routines at home. These abs workout routines are fun, safe and effective. Just 8 minute a day to great abs. Enjoy it.

For a complete Abs Workout Secrets, check out this book: The Truth About SIX PACK ABS.

Life Fitness Home Gyms

Life Fitness Home Gyms Bring Quality Home

If you have ever worked out in a health club, hotel or on a cruise ship, chances are you have come face to face with Life Fitness equipment at one time or another. The Life Fitness line of cardiovascular machines and strength training equipment is one of the top sellers for professional trainers and athletes, because of the high quality of the equipment and the workouts effectiveness it offers.

You can bring this quality home for your own personal workouts by purchasing a Life Fitness home gym. Life Fitness has been creating workout equipment for decades and continues to manufacture quality pieces that are used by professional athletes, Olympians and health clubs everywhere.

Why Choose a Life Fitness Home Gym?

One of the first things that many people look for when it comes to selecting a home gym is how the exercises are going to feel as you go through the various motions. Because Life Fitness home gyms offer an ergonomically enhanced design and the smoothest resistance available, you can rest assured that all of your workouts on this equipment are enjoyable and effective. When it comes to variety, these gyms will deliver the goods as well, with a perfect combination of exercises that will work every muscle group in your body. And every fitness enthusiast knows that variety is the KEY of exercise, and the more flexibility you can add to your workouts; the more likely you will be to stick with them.

When you are shopping for a home gym, you are probably looking to fill a limited amount of space in your home. This means that you want the most compact system possible yet still can provides you with greatest number of exercise possibilities. Life Fitness home gyms can bring you a full body workout without taking large amount of space, it provides every exercise you need in one single unit.

And if you can’t find everything you want on a Life Fitness home gym, you can even add optional features that are guaranteed to round out your workout program. Don’t let the size fool you, these compact units are designed to withstand the test of time; you will be able to get plenty of use out of your Life Fitness home gym for many, many years.

If you are looking for a home workout system that will offer you flexibility, variety, and durability all in a single, compact unit, check out the Life Fitness home gym.

Health And Fitness Spas: More than Just Massages and Facials

There used to be a time when health and fitness spas were more about being pampered than becoming fit. Today, although there are spas which still offer this kind of amenity, more women are choosing spas in which they can be taught to change their lifestyle and become healthier and lose weight at the same time.

Health and fitness spas have taken it upon themselves to empower women to change their eating habits and to feel good about themselves as well. A healthy way of living has become the focus of women around the world, and health and fitness spas have approached good health and dieting with a new purpose.

Attending a health and fitness spa allows a woman not only to relax and enjoy the spa experience, but also to focus on strategies which can be utilized later on in conquering weight gain, self-image concerns, and behavior which contributes to their growing anxiety over weight loss.

Perhaps the positive results gained from attending a health and fitness spa for a weekend is due to the fact that there are no demands being placed on the woman. For two days, there are no phone calls, family tugging at their sleeve, errands to run, a house to clean, or shopping at the supermarket. The mind is no longer cluttered with thoughts of unfinished lists or tasks undone.

Instead, the entire focus of the weekend is on you and you alone. Time is taken to regroup, reenergize, and find the balance within. So too, as a participant in a fitness spa, you may learn new techniques; new principles to apply to your lifestyle that will enhance the way you feel and become the catalyst for change.

While weight loss is a part of the health and fitness spas experience, feeling like a new person who has become empowered to improve your overall being is an experience every woman should enjoy in their lifetime.

Bodybuilding For Women

Why Women Should Add Bodybuilding to Their Exercise Routines

While men engage in bodybuilding to strengthen and increase muscle mass, women seek to shape and tone their bodies using particular exercise routines. Also, the notion that you will become a female version of the “Incredible Hulk” is a myth.

The areas of concern for some women may be the legs, chest, back, abdominal area, shoulders, or forearms. In addition, weights can be used to enhance the effects of resistance training as well.

Here are some recommendations from women who have trained in bodybuilding:
  • Learn the proper technique from a professional or gym instructor.
  • A 30-45 minute workout is recommended.
  • Exercises beginning with the lower body, middle, and upper body are advisable.
  • Sets of up to 12 repetitions repeated three times, with rests in between each set.
  • Two days a week of strength training.
  • Begin slowly with weights or bands.
  • Add resistance training to your routine.
  • Stretching before and after exercising.
  • Let your body tell you when you’re tired or in pain, then stop.
  • A good routine leaves your muscles burning and tired at the end of a routine.
  • Include a proper diet regimen.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Workout is preferable in the morning or afternoon.
There are those who contend that while you can burn fat using weights, it is a slow process. They also believe that while using weights during lower body workouts does contribute to burning fat, the fact is you would have to do an entire routine such as using a circuit of exercise equipment in order to achieve the effect. Therefore, they strongly suggest exercising the entire body for maximum results, such as: walking, jogging, or cardiovascular routines.

Women who are in the sport of bodybuilding develop high definition and muscles through increased workouts along with supplementation. For most women today, however, who simply wish to shape and tone their bodies, the above recommendations will sufficiently achieve your goals.

Exercise Routines For Home Gyms

Doing the exercise routines for home gyms on a regular basis can help to de-stress, build stamina and stay healthy. There are more and more people turning to home gyms these days simply because most of them are having busy schedule and can't keep up with the pace or timing of the exercise programs provided by their local gyms. And having a home gym also eliminates the need to travel and deal with traffic jams. Home gym gives you the flexibility to plan your own schedule.

So you can now say good bye to your local gym and go ahead setting your own schedule and having your personal home gym exercise routines. The key to successful exercise routines for home gyms is having a workout schedule and stick with it. Nobody will watch and control your schedule, you need to hold yourself accountable. Have a little motivation to keep in shape and set aside a little time for your personal workouts.

The exercise routines for home gyms can be tailored to meet your specific needs and available equipment. The easiest way I find is to start with a treadmill. Just follow a treadmill walking program. It works great to strengthen your legs and even tone your abs and arms by adding a small hand weight. You can start your treadmill walking program today!

Begin your treadmill exercise routines for 20-25 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week. This can help to de-stress and increase your energy level and at the same time tone your muscles. To play safe, you should always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routines for home gyms, doctor's advice can help you tailor your routines to your health needs and abilities.

The thing I love about the treadmill exercise routines for home gyms is that its program is so simple to follow and I can do it all year round in any weather condition. You can choose to read a book or newspaper while doing your exercise routines or doing it in complete peace or isolation.

Try your exercise routines for home gyms today and commit to do it on a regular basis. Don't let your busy schedule stands in your way, your body deserves your attention and care. If you can stick with your commitment, you will start seeing some amazing results very soon.

Pilates For Beginners - Get Started With Pilates

The Pilates method has become increasingly popular these days. Maybe you're thinking of trying to incorporate Pilates into your personal exercise routine. Pilates has been widely touted today as a way to strengthen the muscles and increase flexibility. Millions have been using Pilates as a way to accomplish these goals. If you have been wanting to explore Pilates as an option, read on to find out exactly what you are getting yourself into.

Pilates was founded around 70 years ago as a series of 500 movements designed to build up the core muscle groups of the abdominals, shoulders, back, and pelvis, while improving flexibility in the practitioner at the same time. The Pilates method usually produces longer, leaner muscles rather than the shorter, bulky muscles that traditional weight training produces. Pilates also use the method of holding certain positions for a number of breaths rather than the repetitions of other exercise methods. Because you are holding poses, you are required to balance, which also brings smaller muscle groups into play, making the workout very effective in overall toning.

So, if you are interested... How do you get started? One likely place to look for help might be the public library, which should contain books or DVDs on Pilates. You need to see for yourself what Pilates looks like when its being practiced. You can learn a lot about the technique by seeing it in a DVD, book, or visiting a Pilates class. If you think that this method might appeal to you, then you are ready to move to the next step, which would be to visit your doctor for a checkup to see if you are physically fit enough to add Pilates into your exercise routine.

If your doctor agrees that you can add Pilates to your exercise routine, then join a beginning class and begin to build a relationship with a qualified Pilates instructor. This person will tailor a Pilates program especially for you, only adding exercises when you need them, with your particular exercise needs in mind. If you enjoy the beginning classes, you might want to visit an advanced class, with the ultimate goal being to eventually work your way to the class.

But, what if your schedule does not allow for outside classes? The beauty of the Pilates method is that, once learned, most of the exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home and in a matter of minutes a day. People nowadays need an exercise program that is flexible enough to move into a tight schedule and Pilates can fit into such schedule.

Eventually, if you become adept at the floor Pilates exercises, you may want to add exercises to your routine using some of the available Pilates equipment, such as a Pilates exercise ball, mat, circles, and resistance bands or others. But for right now, learning to perfect the floor Pilates exercises is enough of a challenge.

Later on, if you become a Pilates enthusiast, you can research the most strenuous Pilates workout, which is called Windsor Pilates, which will burn the most calories and cause the most weight loss. This method, however, uses more complicated machinery, so it's best to save it for later.

For great information about the basic of Pilates, check out this book: "PILATES: A BEGINNER'S GUIDE".

The Benefits of Stationary Exercises

As we grow older, exercise and diet become more important to our health. There are two stationary exercises which can help to not only reduce weight, but increase flexibility as well.

The first exercise is the use of a stationary bike. Pedaling for 20 minutes three times a week decreases weight and increases leg and muscle strength. Moreover, combined with a healthy diet, you will lose inches and pounds within a year’s time.

Now some may think this is a boring exercise. But you can be assured there are plenty of things you can do while pedaling that will distract you from this routine. For example, use this exercise routine in front of the TV. If you are watching a great drama, the time will fly by and you’ll discover you were pedaling more than 20 minutes. If you prefer music, turn on your CD player and tune in to your favorite music and ride like the wind.

While most gyms have stationary exercise bikes, nothing can compare to having one in your home to be used whenever you wish. It’s convenient, doesn’t take up much room, and within no time you’ll feel the weight dissipate along with the size of your clothing as well.

The second stationary exercise utilizes a chair. Here’s how it works: Sit in a chair using good posture and extend both arms over your head.

Hold them up for 10 seconds then bring your right arm down to a relaxed state. Now, take your left arm and slowly place it over your head towards the right. Hold it there for 10 seconds. Return to the normal position and relax. Next, repeat the first move by putting both hands over your head, hold for 10 seconds; and with your right arm, reach across to the left side of your head and hold for 10 seconds. Try to complete five sets.

These stationary exercises are wonderful in that they concentrate on the oblique area, improves circulation, especially if you have been sitting in front of a computer all day. Any exercise you can do with a minimal amount of effort will benefit you and your health in the long run.

Resistance Band Exercises for Older Adults

Resistance band exercises are important for older adults for several reasons: cardiovascular fitness is improved, there is an increase in flexibility, energy level rises, it reduces stress, it helps with sleep, and it helps lower the risk of injuries.

While we know that exercise is important to maintain muscle mass, it is even more vital for older adults who tend to live a sedentary lifestyle, thus gaining weight and losing muscle mass.

In an effort to reduce the aforementioned conditions, older adults can utilize stretch bands in their daily routine. Implementing exercises using bands three times a week, an older adult can increase their overall strength.

As with any exercise program, it is important to check with a doctor to advise what type of exercise you will be engaging in so that he is aware in case of any future problem. Before you begin, here are some tips to follow to ensure your routine is enjoyable and safe.

Begin stretching before the actual exercise. This will warm up your limbs and prepare them for a workout. Keep your back erect and stomach muscles in. The proper technique is to control the stretch band while at the same time, resisting it. Keep your legs and arms taut, but do not lock them in any position. Remember to breathe with each exercise, and rest between each set. The approximate amount of recommended repetitions is 15 per exercise.

Finally, try to mix up your routine. Some of the resistance band exercises can include: strengthening the shoulder muscles, hamstring muscles, deltoid muscles, and biceps. These can easily be done in the privacy of your own home at a time suitable for you. After each day’s exercise, ensure you drink a lot of water and receive plenty of rest.

In addition, maintaining a healthy diet will afford you the opportunity to lose weight and able to exercise more efficiently while, at the same time, burn more calories.

For more information on how you can perform some simple yet effective exercises all from the comfort of your home, no need to spend time travelling down to a local gym, check out this great book: "BURN THE FAT, FEED THE MUSCLE".

Safety Tips For Strength Training Workouts

Improper use of equipment and bad form can result in injuries during strength training workouts. Experts advise people who strength-train to employ the following techniques:
  • When lifting weights, always use a spotter.
  • Always have a good posture.
  • Wear proper shoes.
  • Use caution when picking up and returning weights to their original area.
  • Ensure all equipment is up to standards.
  • Always spend approximately 10 minutes warming up the body by stretching.
  • Begin slowly in strength-training exercises, starting with the larger muscles first.
  • Alternate training on different muscle groups three times a week.
  • Cool down for 10 minutes by stretching.
  • Ensure you know the proper way to handle weights to avoid injury.
  • Discontinue training if you experience any pain.
  • Learn breathing techniques.
  • Use a belt when lifting weights to protect the back.
  • Do not use equipment for the first time unless with a professional.
For effective results, experts recommend that strength training workouts should be done slowly, which will provide additional resistance. In addition, it is also advised not to hold on to weights too tightly as it may raise blood pressure. Avoid pressure by not locking joints when lifting weights.

Whether you are working out in a gym with a personal trainer or working out at home, it is important to become familiar with each piece of equipment used, and how to use it to allow for effective strength training workouts.

While all of these tips are designed to contribute to a safe training session, there are many professionals who will offer their unique perspective and advice on how to safely train at home or at the gym. This is particularly true for older men who are just beginning their strength training workouts. The most important advice anyone can offer is to listen to your body when engaging in any form of exercise.

Tips For Effective Tummy Toning Exercises

If you want to tighten or flatten your stomach or abs, here are some effective tummy toning exercises that will help.

Here’s a routine you may be familiar with: First lie down on your back on a floor mat. Bend the knees and place your feet flat on the mat. Put your hands behind your head and rise up slowly. Wait a few seconds; then slowly lie back down. Repeat this 10 times. If you feel pain in your back or neck, stop.

Here is another effective tummy toning exercise to strengthen the ab muscles. Sit on a mat on the floor and bend your knees. Place your feet flat on the floor. Now take your left arm and place it on the right side of your chest, and visa versa with the right arm. Bend your head and shoulders towards your chest. Slowly lean back until you feel your muscles contract. Stay in this position for about five seconds; then return to the original position. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times. As noted earlier, if you feel any discomfort, stop.

The last routine is focused primarily on the stomach muscles. Here’s how to begin: hold in your stomach, while exhaling, for approximately 15 seconds. Now let it out and breathe. Do this exercise for as long as you can. This will strengthen the stomach muscles.

While there are a myriad of exercises to firm up the stomach and flatten the abs, these three simple routines are the most simple and effective tummy toning exercises for me because I have a very busy work schedule. They don't take much time, they are easy to perform and very effective. Just try it yourself.

Whether you belong to a gym, or are beginning to focus in on one area of your body, you can achieve a successful result if you stay with it and ensure you use every precaution to avoid injury. There are hundreds and hundreds of stomach exercises you can try.

Here is one great resource or guide I often refer to, if you want to have an effective tummy toning exercises, I highly recommend you to read this book. Just click the image below to get more information.