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Effective Tummy Toning Exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Effective Tummy Toning Exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Tips For Effective Tummy Toning Exercises

If you want to tighten or flatten your stomach or abs, here are some effective tummy toning exercises that will help.

Here’s a routine you may be familiar with: First lie down on your back on a floor mat. Bend the knees and place your feet flat on the mat. Put your hands behind your head and rise up slowly. Wait a few seconds; then slowly lie back down. Repeat this 10 times. If you feel pain in your back or neck, stop.

Here is another effective tummy toning exercise to strengthen the ab muscles. Sit on a mat on the floor and bend your knees. Place your feet flat on the floor. Now take your left arm and place it on the right side of your chest, and visa versa with the right arm. Bend your head and shoulders towards your chest. Slowly lean back until you feel your muscles contract. Stay in this position for about five seconds; then return to the original position. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times. As noted earlier, if you feel any discomfort, stop.

The last routine is focused primarily on the stomach muscles. Here’s how to begin: hold in your stomach, while exhaling, for approximately 15 seconds. Now let it out and breathe. Do this exercise for as long as you can. This will strengthen the stomach muscles.

While there are a myriad of exercises to firm up the stomach and flatten the abs, these three simple routines are the most simple and effective tummy toning exercises for me because I have a very busy work schedule. They don't take much time, they are easy to perform and very effective. Just try it yourself.

Whether you belong to a gym, or are beginning to focus in on one area of your body, you can achieve a successful result if you stay with it and ensure you use every precaution to avoid injury. There are hundreds and hundreds of stomach exercises you can try.

Here is one great resource or guide I often refer to, if you want to have an effective tummy toning exercises, I highly recommend you to read this book. Just click the image below to get more information.