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Pilates For Beginners etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Pilates For Beginners etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Pilates For Beginners - Get Started With Pilates

The Pilates method has become increasingly popular these days. Maybe you're thinking of trying to incorporate Pilates into your personal exercise routine. Pilates has been widely touted today as a way to strengthen the muscles and increase flexibility. Millions have been using Pilates as a way to accomplish these goals. If you have been wanting to explore Pilates as an option, read on to find out exactly what you are getting yourself into.

Pilates was founded around 70 years ago as a series of 500 movements designed to build up the core muscle groups of the abdominals, shoulders, back, and pelvis, while improving flexibility in the practitioner at the same time. The Pilates method usually produces longer, leaner muscles rather than the shorter, bulky muscles that traditional weight training produces. Pilates also use the method of holding certain positions for a number of breaths rather than the repetitions of other exercise methods. Because you are holding poses, you are required to balance, which also brings smaller muscle groups into play, making the workout very effective in overall toning.

So, if you are interested... How do you get started? One likely place to look for help might be the public library, which should contain books or DVDs on Pilates. You need to see for yourself what Pilates looks like when its being practiced. You can learn a lot about the technique by seeing it in a DVD, book, or visiting a Pilates class. If you think that this method might appeal to you, then you are ready to move to the next step, which would be to visit your doctor for a checkup to see if you are physically fit enough to add Pilates into your exercise routine.

If your doctor agrees that you can add Pilates to your exercise routine, then join a beginning class and begin to build a relationship with a qualified Pilates instructor. This person will tailor a Pilates program especially for you, only adding exercises when you need them, with your particular exercise needs in mind. If you enjoy the beginning classes, you might want to visit an advanced class, with the ultimate goal being to eventually work your way to the class.

But, what if your schedule does not allow for outside classes? The beauty of the Pilates method is that, once learned, most of the exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home and in a matter of minutes a day. People nowadays need an exercise program that is flexible enough to move into a tight schedule and Pilates can fit into such schedule.

Eventually, if you become adept at the floor Pilates exercises, you may want to add exercises to your routine using some of the available Pilates equipment, such as a Pilates exercise ball, mat, circles, and resistance bands or others. But for right now, learning to perfect the floor Pilates exercises is enough of a challenge.

Later on, if you become a Pilates enthusiast, you can research the most strenuous Pilates workout, which is called Windsor Pilates, which will burn the most calories and cause the most weight loss. This method, however, uses more complicated machinery, so it's best to save it for later.

For great information about the basic of Pilates, check out this book: "PILATES: A BEGINNER'S GUIDE".