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Stationary Exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Stationary Exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Benefits of Stationary Exercises

As we grow older, exercise and diet become more important to our health. There are two stationary exercises which can help to not only reduce weight, but increase flexibility as well.

The first exercise is the use of a stationary bike. Pedaling for 20 minutes three times a week decreases weight and increases leg and muscle strength. Moreover, combined with a healthy diet, you will lose inches and pounds within a year’s time.

Now some may think this is a boring exercise. But you can be assured there are plenty of things you can do while pedaling that will distract you from this routine. For example, use this exercise routine in front of the TV. If you are watching a great drama, the time will fly by and you’ll discover you were pedaling more than 20 minutes. If you prefer music, turn on your CD player and tune in to your favorite music and ride like the wind.

While most gyms have stationary exercise bikes, nothing can compare to having one in your home to be used whenever you wish. It’s convenient, doesn’t take up much room, and within no time you’ll feel the weight dissipate along with the size of your clothing as well.

The second stationary exercise utilizes a chair. Here’s how it works: Sit in a chair using good posture and extend both arms over your head.

Hold them up for 10 seconds then bring your right arm down to a relaxed state. Now, take your left arm and slowly place it over your head towards the right. Hold it there for 10 seconds. Return to the normal position and relax. Next, repeat the first move by putting both hands over your head, hold for 10 seconds; and with your right arm, reach across to the left side of your head and hold for 10 seconds. Try to complete five sets.

These stationary exercises are wonderful in that they concentrate on the oblique area, improves circulation, especially if you have been sitting in front of a computer all day. Any exercise you can do with a minimal amount of effort will benefit you and your health in the long run.