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This Form of Exercise Prevents Injury, Reduces Chronic Pain, and Improves Mobility  FOCUS ON FITNESS  The key components of fitness are cardiovascular condition­ing, muscular strength, and flexibility. Unfortunately, flexibility often is neglected in favor of more cardio or greater strength. Clients skip stretching because they believe flexibility isn’t a good workout or that it’s an inherent trait—someone either is naturally flexible or they’re

This Form of Exercise Prevents Injury, Reduces Chronic Pain, and Improves Mobility
The key components of fitness are cardiovascular condition­ing, muscular strength, and flexibility. Unfortunately, flexibility often is neglected in favor of more cardio or greater strength. Clients skip stretching because they believe flexibility isn’t a good workout or that it’s an inherent trait—someone either is naturally flexible or they’re
tight. But this isn’t true.
Benefits of a Flexible Body
Clients can improve flexibility by training, subsequently pre­venting injuries while doing aerobic and strength workouts. Maintaining flexibility throughout life helps aging adults func­tion better and prevent falls. Flexibility is important for ath­letes and advanced exercisers who may be at higher risk of exercise-related injuries. Becoming more flexible can improve performance and help relieve and prevent chronic pain associ­ated with poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, flexibil­ity training is a primary component during physical therapy to rehabilitate musculoskeletal injuries.
Flexibility not only includes muscles but also joints. It’s defined as the ability to move joints effectively through their full range of motion, and it’s related to the elasticity, or suppleness, of muscle tissue. Because muscles are attached to joints by lig­aments and tendons, flexible muscles also affect their proper functioning and can decrease the risk of injuries to ligaments, tendons, and joints.
Stretching exercises must be performed regularly to main­tain and improve flexibility. Muscles become tight when they shorten from postural habits or injury, spasms, or contraction. Most of us have a muscular imbalance due to one side of the body being dominant during activity. This imbalance frequently manifests as muscle tightness or inflexibility.
Stretching Exercises
The following stretching techniques may be used to improve flexibility:
Static stretching: This is the most common in which a muscle is moved into a position that creates tension and a stretching sensation and is then held.
Dynamic stretching: This involves moving a limb repetitively, with control, through its full range of motion. It’s typically used as part of a warm-up before workouts and athletic activities.
Precontraction or proprioceptive neu­romuscular facilitation stretching: Using this technique, the muscle is contracted, held, and then relaxed. This type of stretch­ing generally involves a therapist’s or part­ner’s assistance or the use of a strap or resistance band.
Note that ballistic stretching, a stretching technique that involves rapid bouncing movements at the end range of motion of a joint or muscle, is considered risky and is no longer recommended.
Guidelines from fitness organizations recommend per­forming stretching exercises at least three times per week after warming up the body. Static stretches targeting the major muscle and joint/tendon groups should be held in a position where mild discomfort is felt for 15 to 30 seconds. Eventually, the stretch can be held for as long as 60 seconds. Each stretch should be repeated two to four times. These recommenda­tions are for healthy clients. Those with movement limitations and beginning exercisers may need modifications; athletes and advanced exercisers may need options for sport-specific flex­ibility improvements.
The advice “stretch before every workout” is considered outdated. Numerous studies have found that stretching before a workout doesn’t prevent injury during the workout or neces­sarily warm up the muscles to be worked. Light activity mim­icking the more intense movements during the workout (eg, walking before running) has been shown to be more effective.
Clients can perform dynamic stretching movements before a workout in combination with activity that warms up the mus­cles, such as standing alternating knee lifts, half squats, arm circles, and torso twists. The optimal time to stretch to achieve gains in flexibility is after the body is warmed up, such as at the end of a cardiovascular workout. Individuals can integrate stretching in between strength exercises for each muscle group as well as at the end of the work­out. Clients also can perform stretching exercises by themselves simply to relieve aches or tightness throughout the work­day as a break from sitting or standing in one position too long or at the end of a long day to promote relaxation.
Built-In Flexibility Exercises
Your clients may ask about what types of stretching exercises they should do and what exercises count as flexibility training. Due to the increasing popular­ity of mind-body workouts, your clients already may be satisfying the flexibil­ity component of fitness training. Both Pilates and yoga contribute to improved flexibility and have the added benefit of improving muscular strength in the same exercise session. Many styles of mar­tial arts involve movements that improve flexibility as do the slower-paced tai chi and qigong. However, even if clients do martial arts, Pilates, and/or yoga mul­tiple times per week, they should still stretch after or during other types of workouts, such as cardiovascular condi­tioning and strength training.
Components of Flexibility Training
In general, flexibility training should include all major muscle groups in the upper and lower body. Depending on your clients’ overall fitness level and daily activities, flexibility exercises can focus on specific anatomic areas to pro­vide more benefit. For example, clients who do computer work or sit at a desk all day should pay special attention to stretching their neck, shoulders, back, and hamstring muscles because the neck and back muscles tighten up due to the common postural misalignment that occurs when typing and sitting for long periods of time (ie, hunching).
Clients with jobs involving the pro­longed use of forearms and hands in one position (eg, typing, sewing) or strength movements (eg, hammering, assembly work) may benefit from frequent daily stretches for the forearms, shoulders, neck, hands, and wrists.
Tight hamstring muscles contribute to lower back pain, a common complaint for many clients. So stretching the back muscles as well as these large muscles in the backs of the thighs will help allevi­ate back pain.
Athletic clients should consider adding sport-specific flexibility exercises to their stretching regimen. For instance, golf­ers should focus on flexibility of the hips and shoulders to improve golf swing. Runners and cyclists can emphasize hip, thigh, and calf flexibility to prevent muscle pulls in the lower body.
Resources for Clients
Clients can view images and videos of basic stretching exercises by visiting the Mayo Clinic’s website ( Click on “Health Informa­tion,” “Healthy Lifestyle,” “Fitness,” then “Multimedia.”
A recent trend in flexibility training is to use foam rollers for myofascial release, especially for clients with musculoskel­etal pain or injury. A cylindrical foam roller is used in conjunction with a per­son’s body weight to perform self-mas­sage, which breaks down soft tissue adhesions, stretches muscles and ten­dons, and increases blood circulation to muscle tissue. Foam rollers also can be used as a prop for yoga poses and Pilates movements that improve flexibility. 
                                                                                                                             By Jennifer Van Pelt, MA

The Best Home Fitness Exercises to Burn Fat Fast

You can burn fat without a gym - the best fitness exercises at home will ensure that you do!
It is very convenient to have a gym at home in the comfort of your own home. You do not have to sit in traffic or in line to use a machine. The only problem with the performance of your home is not always sure what to do exercises to burn fat at home.
To help with this dilemma, take a look at the first four in the exercise routines of households that burn fat fast.
The best home gym exercises to burn fat fastWeight training
Why is it good for burning fat?Offers weight training as one of the best exercises to get rid of fat. Many people think they do a great job. But the reality is that it increases muscle mass and burn fat like crazy while increasing your metabolism - leading to a leaner.
How?You will need a pair of dumbbells or a pair of adjustable if you plan to use multiple load weight dumbbells. You must train the upper and lower body, and focus on all major muscle groups, not just one or two.
Speed ​​Jump Rope
Why is it good for burning fat?If you've used a rope speed, then you know it gives you a great cardiovascular workout that will make you sweat and burn fat. It is also good for burning calories.
How?Investing in a rope speed and use it for 20 minutes, three times a week, if you do not use any other cardio exercises too.
Circuit Training
Why is it good for burning fat?Circuit training is the best of both worlds (interval training cardio and weight training) combined. It's super effective way to burn fat and do it quickly.
How?You need the following hardware:

    Cardio Equipment - Cable status / speed or other
    And an exercise ball (optional)
Then make your own tour by two training exercises, followed by a cardio one. Then repeat until you reach 20 minutes.
In interval training at home
Why is it good for burning fat?Interval training is one of the best fat burning cardio. Also better with each session Manufactures and increases your metabolism and burn calories.
How?You should aim for about 3 sessions of interval training three times a week for best results. Choose any cardio you like. Then, start slow and increase the intensity and speed of minutes minutes until it breaks in the effort of all. Then this lower speed and again until the start. Repeat until your 20 minutes are up.
Looking for an effective home workout plan showing exactly what exercises to do to burn fat in the comfort of your own home?
If this is the case, the bikini model program is one of the best workout plans that I have seen in a while. There is even a chapter with the beauty secrets of how to look like a bikini model from head to toe.
You can read a report on the consumer impartial towards the bikini model on my site bikini model program to see if you are the right workout plan at home for you

Build it or lose it keeping muscles strong

 Robert De Niro, 69, and Sly Stallone, 65, are training for an upcoming boxing film, “Grudge Match,” about aging rivals heading back into the ring. Just the idea of those two shirtless in trunks makes us think about the importance of preserving muscle mass as you age. After all, even the fittest athletes lose muscle tone with passing decades.
 Robert De Niro, 69, and Sly Stallone, 65, are training for an upcoming boxing film, “Grudge Match,” about aging rivals heading back into the ring. Just the idea of those two shirtless in trunks makes us think about the importance of preserving muscle mass as you age. After all, even the fittest athletes lose muscle tone with passing decades.
Here’s why. You don’t use your muscles as much as you used to; plus, you have lower levels of growth hormone, which is good for preventing cancer spread, but not so good for muscle growth. If you add to that lower levels of vitamin D-3, an imbalance in the acid-base content of foods you eat (more about that in a minute) and lack of enough protein and vitamin B-12, you’re going to lose muscle tone. But you can fight back!
To build muscles you need about 68 grams  of lean protein (skinless poultry, salmon, trout) a day if you weigh 150 pounds; a 1,000 IU supplement of vitamin D-3 daily, 1,200 IU
if you’re over 60; and 25–100 mcg per day of a B-12 supplement if you’re 65 or older.

And about acid-base balance: Too many acid-producing foods (100 percent whole grains and lean proteins) and not enough veggies and fruit (they’re base)
weakens muscles and bones. So aim for balance by making sure you eat nine servings of produce a day. You need strength-building exercises – done for 20–30 minutes, two to three times a week – combined with walking 10,000 steps a day! offers 17 nifty resistance-band exercises.
Build it or lose it keeping muscles strong By Michael Roizen, M.D.,and Mehmet Oz, M.D