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interview etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Zelden on Talking Legal History

 New on “Talking Legal History” with Siobhan M. M. Barco is her interview of Charles L. Zelden "about the new expanded edition of his book, Bush v. Gore: Exposing the Growing Crisis in American Democracy (University Press of Kansas, 2020). Zelden is a professor in the Department of History and...

A Mom Who Does it All: Interview with Model and "The Calling's" Angela Jennings

I have said it before and I will say it again, I am so lucky to be surrounded by such motivated and successful women. My friends have accomplished so much and they help instill drive into me in hopes that I can one day be just as successful as they are. My close friend Angela is one of the most...

Body After Baby: How A Fit Mom of 4 Does It All!

I always try and surround myself with other women who are for women empowerment, lifting one another up, and spreading positivity like I am. My wonderful friend Crystal is all about that, and is such an inspiration to me. She is also so passionate about health and fitness, and I find constant motivation...

Get to know Karly while drinking a Pants Off Dance Off.

I am currently laying on the beach (probably with a fruity drink in hand) so my BFF has decided to take over my blog. The amazing Karly Kim has answered some hard hitting philosophical questions so we can all get to know her better. 1) If you survived a plane crash and it was...

paritala ravi last interview