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karly kim etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
karly kim etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Get to know Karly while drinking a Pants Off Dance Off.

I am currently laying on the beach (probably with a fruity drink in hand) so my BFF has decided to take over my blog. The amazing Karly Kim has answered some hard hitting philosophical questions so we can all get to know her better. 

1) If you survived a plane crash and it was only you and one celebrity on an abandoned island, who would it be and why?
Leonard DiCaprio, because his Jack Dawson instincts would hopefully kick in and he would figure out a way to let me live.

2) If you were on a FIRST date with a super sexy man and he told you that he loved you during dinner, how would you react?
That's happened to me before.  He told me he loved me and asked me to move to Texas with him.  And I was like, "last time I was in Texas it was really humid.  So, probably not."  And then we made out for a minute.

3) Miley Cyrus asks you to twerk with her on her next MTV performance. What do you reply?
Twerking and I have a love/hate relationship 

I would have to decline because I have a healthy relationship with my parents that I'd like to maintain.  

4) A production company wants to make a movie about your life. Who do you cast to star as yourself? Why?
Lucy Liu for Asian accuracy purposes.  Jennifer Lawrence in my dreams so I could meet her.

5) What song would you choose as the theme song to your life?
Oops... I Did It Again 

6) Describe your perfect pizza. 
Cheese.  I'm a minimalist. 

7) What is the funnest birthday you have ever had?
When I was 8, my dream was to ride in a limo.  For my birthday, my parents rented one for me and my friends to ride around town in, we went to McDonald's and saw a movie.  Every birthday since hasn't been as magical.  

8) If you could make a million dollars as year doing any occupation in the world, what would it be?
Dog walker.  But only dogs that I liked and on my schedule. 

9) You were told you won a free trip to Turks and Caicos. You can wear the clothes on your back and only bring 5 other objects - what would you bring?
1.  A bikini
2.  My camera
3.  Sunglasses
4.  Gum
5.  Tina Fey

10) You created your alcoholic beverage for a popular bar in NYC, what do you call it? 
Pants Off Dance Off

Be sure to follow her blog. Because if you don't.

You will have to answer to me.

And we all do not want that to happen.