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flowers etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
flowers etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

More Spring Flowers

 It feels like it is still Easter here with spring flowers in the house. I cut a few tulips this weekend  and had way too much fun taking photos of them!
Saturday was a glorious day. Warm and sunny, the perfect spring day. I spent it inside knee deep in my sewing closet, cleaning. It got a good shaking out. I am so excited it is getting a re-do, it was getting very un-manageable. There is still a bit to do, but I can't wait to share the improvements!

 All of these photos were taken on Saturday when I cut the flowers. They have faded since then, so I took another bunch of pictures yesterday morning.
These lovelies came with the house and are squeezed in on a few inches of dirt between the house and driveway. They end up getting a bit trampled, but never fail to spring back the following year better then ever. This year we might finally getting around to moving them to the cutting garden along the East side of the house and out from under our feet.

 These were taken yesterday. You can see they have faded and opened up a bit more. I think the more they fade, the brighter the yellow becomes!
I have no idea what type of tulip theses are. They have very small and glossy leaves and are rather miniature in size. Does anyone have a similar variety?
I love how the look like they are growing right out of my vintage hobnail vase!

Easter Hot Cross Buns

Happy Easter Friends!
I hope your Easter weekend was lovely. Mine was full of sunshine, daffodils, hot cross buns and insulation. Yes, we know how to celebrate holidays in my family. We plan work parties! So Saturday Mandy and I helped insulate our brother's house. This has been an ongoing project which we have been working on for about two weeks, so glad to finally be finished!

 We had daffodils for Easter! Actually, they were up last week and I was going to post about them, but the week flew by before I had a chance. Our Easter celebrations were last weekend on Palm Sunday as that is when all the family could get together. It was lovely and I was so happy to have daffys for both weekends!

 I finally got around to making Hot Cross Buns! Something that has been on my to-bake list for awhile. They were quite easy to make and scrumptious! The recipe is from my Great British Bake Off Cookbook, but here is a recipe from Mary Berry that is very similar. I really liked the piped on flour paste cross instead of the usual (American) icing cross. When I checked on the buns shortly after putting them in the oven I was sad to see the cross had soaked in and was barely visible. But the next time I checked, the buns were a lovely golden brown with a pale cross shining through!

 Oh the new leaves! Everyday there are trees with new leaflets. I am so enjoying laying in bed soaking up the green view!

 These beauties came with the little house. I usually prefer my daffodils yellow, but these have been especially lovely this year.

Hydrangeas 2016

This year is a good year for my hydrangeas! I am not sure if it is the weather (and the rainy cool spring we did not get), the early spring trimming I gave the bushes or just because the plant is fully established now. 

 I had originally planted two "Invincebelle Spirit" bushes, but one didn't make it. This year I ordered another and it seems to be doing good, though it is still tiny.

July 2016
I can't believe how much all the plants have grown since last year! The little boxwoods have doubled in size. Above is this years flower beds and below was last years.
June 2015

Even the hydrangea is so much larger! It is now about five feet tall, though rather floppy. This particular variety tends to be a bit leggy.

The flowers start out a lovely vibrant shade of rose pink and fade to a pale pink over the summer. By the fall they are cream color. You can see the two tones in the picture below too. 

This branch was propped straight up against the house and gutter just waiting for it's picture to be taken! 

Stop and Smell the Flowers

This year, I am trying to remember to slow down and enjoy the summer! It can go by so fast and there are so many things we have been waiting and planning to do. And now helping Becky with her house June is speeding by. 

 Mandy and I planted a variety of our favorite flowers in the backyard pots. This year we kept them all the same and just packed the plants in! There are petunias, zinnias, snapdragons, vinca vine and we still have to plant dahlias and gladioli bulbs.

And one pot, which was a last minute decision, holds tomatoes and marigolds. Since tomato plants take up a lot of space in the garden beds we decided to try them in a pot this year.

 Mandy decided to try the "Square Foot Gardening" approach this year. It is very tidy will all the squares.

I meant to get a post up two weeks ago on the garden, but time escaped me. Now you can see how much it has grown in those two weeks! It always amazes me.

 The garden freshly planted two weeks ago..........

...........and here it is already turning into a jungle!

Basil and marigolds happily tucked in the corner.

We also decided to put up fencing around the raised beds this year. We had a mamma bunny try to make a nest in the strawberries this spring. So far the fencing it working, we still have beans!

 And strawberry season is already here! We have already picked about two quarts.

The little apple tree is also doing very good. I counted 67 little apples on it!! Not all the apples will grow to maturity, but even if only half make it, that will be a lot of apples!

I hope you all are having a lovely June. Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers!