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The Hustle Continues: My New Home Office!

I am so excited to share the pictures and tell you guys about my new little "home office space". It's not much, but it's mine, and I worked hard to get it this way! My 8-5 job keeps me busy. As I look back at my nearly 7 months there, I have grown tremendously with my responsibilities and functions. Thus sometimes I need to work at home to catch up or get ahead. 

Then there is my passion, my heart, my soul - Fitness Blondie. This may sound crazy, but this little blog truly means the world to me. It represents everything I love and stand for. It is my creative outlet, it is my online scrapbook to write about my daily life happenings and have memories to look back on, I have made the most amazing friendships (seriously you girls are the best in the world), I keep so motivated on my weight loss journey because I feel like I am held accountable, and most of all, I am able to take my struggles, my pain, and my journey and turn it into something to hopefully help other people.

All of that being said, I need to be motivated at home to continue working hard. Blogging during my lunch hour is not going to cut it, ha! I work at home a lot, but it is usually on my laptop, on the couch, and in front of the TV. I am ADHD and have been off of pharmaceutical medication for nearly 10 years. I take care of myself naturally, but it gets very hard at times. So I feel that working from my couch in the front of the TV is not the most successful way I can make the most out of my time. I thought the best way to solve this would be to create a home office! I live in a one-bedroom apartment. It's 900 square feet. I have a really big living area and decided that the space near my book self would be the perfect place to create the area!

I went to Target and found a cute, small desk - which is all I need, then found a gorgeous leather chair at Home Goods. It was originally $200 but I was able to get it on clearance for $30 because it a tiny scratch on the seat (who cares, right? Imperfections give character).

When I got home last week, I dived right into putting the desk together - with my trusty sidekick of course. It took me over 3 hours to do it, but I felt damn proud when I finished. There were 15 different types of screws and bolts and 13 pages of directions. Armed with only my little $20 tool kit from Home Depot and a smile, I got to work! It wasn't too bad.

I knew when my desk was put together that I wanted to have a framed picture of my blog. It just gives me that little sprinkle of hope and happiness when I am tired and/or exhausted. When I was creating it, I realized how I never print pictures anymore. By using Facebook and Instagram, plus this blog, I solely keep all of the memories online. To give more character to the new office space, I decided to add more pictures of family, friends, and good memories around my apartment. After all, that is the true meaning of life. Also, years ago, my mom bought me a "drama queen" picture frame and I never put a picture in it. I finally filled that frame as well; how fitting, ha! 

It took a couple of days, but it all quickly came together. Unfortunately my gorgeous new chair was too tall for my desk, but I quickly found a use for it. When my little assistant is not sitting on it, it acts as a mannequin in my bedroom for the next days outfit and accessories. 

Here is the final result. I really like it and it makes me want to work even harder!

One jam-packed blog post! (about the week!)

Ooh, baby baby! This week is o-v-e-r! I have been up since 4 AM.

...and this girl does NOT do 4 AM.
Image Map

Wednesday through today, my company was all in madness about our quarterly divisional meetings that ensued. I will try to explain this, but you may get confused. My company is owned by a holding group. The man who owns my company is the 168th wealthiest man in the entire universe. The 3rd wealthiest man in Canada. He is a big deal - he is our investor who buys companies and hires a President for each company to run it. There are many different companies that are apart of the holding company. For instance, I work for our publishing company. There is also a back office Administration company, wine business, automotive group, all of the Ripley's "Believe it or not" attractions, and we even own the "Guinness Book of World Records". Thus, four times a year, all of the Executives from each different business come together to show financial and business presentations. This quarter we were chosen to host. 

It was a busy, busy week. It's now Friday evening, I am on my couch writing a blog entry, resting, and I cannot think of anywhere else I would rather be. I ran around so much this week. Assisting my President, setting up for ALL of our events (that alone was a full time job), attending meetings, and still running my office. I wore my heart rate monitor this week because I was curious as to how much I was really running around - from Wednesday to Friday, 10-12 hour days each day, I walked nearly 17 miles. That is a LOT. All of that in my dress attire with full out hair, makeup, and jewelry... and heels. Oh, heels. I love you, but gosh you were killing my feet.

I had to keep my favorite quote at my desk, especially on a week like this. - keeps me positive!

My curls were cooperating this week for Wednesday - day one. And that is important to me. I love hot rollers and swear by them, but you never know what you're going to get. I was also double pleased because it really made the red in my hair come out. 

This is random but I love having those red streaks in my hair! It just completely sucks red fades so fast. At least I have a hair appointment on December 20th to spruce it back up!

Amidst the chaos and tiredness from work this week, I went by "Anna Linen's" last night. I picked out a new bedding set for my bed. I have had leopard and zebra print for years now and sadly, it is time to retire it.

I move into my new apartment two weeks from tomorrow and I could not be more excited. It is a one-bedroom, but it is really big, open, and spacious. It's almost 900 square feet. 

The theme for my new apartment is going to be old gothic and Victorian!

To go with my new decor, I needed new furniture for my bed and living room. Basically furniture wise, it will all be black. A lot of shiny blue, red, and white will be accented with everything. However, this can get pricey so I have to be frugal about it. Luckily, someone on Ebay was selling a black nightstand, black TV stand, and a small dresser - all for $100. After working all day today, I went by picked up the furniture from him, unloaded it and brought it up to my current apartment all. by. myself. I am pretty damn proud - just call me the energizer bunny!

Speaking of my new apartment, below are a few pictures of where I am moving. I am missing a lot of pictures like my built in bookcase that I love, but when I was touring the place, I was so excited that I did not take a lot of pictures.

When you first walk into the apartment, is a big opening with a coat closet that leads to a semi-long hallway, I like it. 

Standing on the edge of the hallway, there is a half view with some of the living room, dining area, and kitchen.

Another living room view, I love all of the windows. I have gorgeous curtains that will look fantastic on them!

View into the kitchen. I was so surprised, when I opened that pantry door you see below. It is a HUGE room - so much pantry space and a full size washer and dryer going in there. Now I understand why the room is quite small for the size of the apartment.

Bedroom: Because the living area is so big, the bedroom is paying for it. Between my king size bed, small dresser, and nightstand, I will not have room for much else.

So, thank goodness for big closets!

Partial bath area with nice garden tub.

I can't wait to be there. A short week at work is coming up, then Thanksgiving, then the next weekend, I will be moving. Lots of great things company up so it is nice to look forward to all of that. But for now, I am going to go pick up Panera for dinner then come back for a bubble bath and watch "The Dead Files" marathon. This girl is ready to veg out. Have a great weekend guys!