Bayram Cigerli Blog

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home office etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
home office etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Hustle Continues: My New Home Office!

I am so excited to share the pictures and tell you guys about my new little "home office space". It's not much, but it's mine, and I worked hard to get it this way! My 8-5 job keeps me busy. As I look back at my nearly 7 months there, I have grown tremendously with my responsibilities and functions. Thus sometimes I need to work at home to catch up or get ahead. 

Then there is my passion, my heart, my soul - Fitness Blondie. This may sound crazy, but this little blog truly means the world to me. It represents everything I love and stand for. It is my creative outlet, it is my online scrapbook to write about my daily life happenings and have memories to look back on, I have made the most amazing friendships (seriously you girls are the best in the world), I keep so motivated on my weight loss journey because I feel like I am held accountable, and most of all, I am able to take my struggles, my pain, and my journey and turn it into something to hopefully help other people.

All of that being said, I need to be motivated at home to continue working hard. Blogging during my lunch hour is not going to cut it, ha! I work at home a lot, but it is usually on my laptop, on the couch, and in front of the TV. I am ADHD and have been off of pharmaceutical medication for nearly 10 years. I take care of myself naturally, but it gets very hard at times. So I feel that working from my couch in the front of the TV is not the most successful way I can make the most out of my time. I thought the best way to solve this would be to create a home office! I live in a one-bedroom apartment. It's 900 square feet. I have a really big living area and decided that the space near my book self would be the perfect place to create the area!

I went to Target and found a cute, small desk - which is all I need, then found a gorgeous leather chair at Home Goods. It was originally $200 but I was able to get it on clearance for $30 because it a tiny scratch on the seat (who cares, right? Imperfections give character).

When I got home last week, I dived right into putting the desk together - with my trusty sidekick of course. It took me over 3 hours to do it, but I felt damn proud when I finished. There were 15 different types of screws and bolts and 13 pages of directions. Armed with only my little $20 tool kit from Home Depot and a smile, I got to work! It wasn't too bad.

I knew when my desk was put together that I wanted to have a framed picture of my blog. It just gives me that little sprinkle of hope and happiness when I am tired and/or exhausted. When I was creating it, I realized how I never print pictures anymore. By using Facebook and Instagram, plus this blog, I solely keep all of the memories online. To give more character to the new office space, I decided to add more pictures of family, friends, and good memories around my apartment. After all, that is the true meaning of life. Also, years ago, my mom bought me a "drama queen" picture frame and I never put a picture in it. I finally filled that frame as well; how fitting, ha! 

It took a couple of days, but it all quickly came together. Unfortunately my gorgeous new chair was too tall for my desk, but I quickly found a use for it. When my little assistant is not sitting on it, it acts as a mannequin in my bedroom for the next days outfit and accessories. 

Here is the final result. I really like it and it makes me want to work even harder!