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cyprus etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
cyprus etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

BSA students and the Fitzwilliam Museum

My study of donations to the Fitzwilliam Museum by students of the BSA is now available online.Gill, D. W. J. 2012. "From the Cam to the Cephissus: the Fitzwilliam Museum and students of the British School at Athens." Journal of the History of Collections: 1-10.AbstractThe Fitzwilliam Museum holds material brought back to England by some of the early nineteenth-century travellers to Greece, including...

David Hogarth and Cyprus

David Hogarth's Devia Cypria is available online. The context of this trip was within the work of the Cyprus Exploration Fund.Hogarth, D. G. 1889. Devia Cypria: notes of an archaeological journey in Cyprus in 1888. London: Henry Frow...

Henry Arnold Tubbs

The biographical history of Henry Arnold Tubbs (Talbot-Tubbs from at least 1897), one of the BSA students, is unclear. He was born in Lancashire in 1865, and was a scholar at Pembroke College, Oxford (1883-87). Tubbs was awarded a Craven Fellowship and admitted to the BSA for two sessions (1888-89, 1889-90) to work with Ernest Gardner on Cyprus (Cyprus Exploration Fund). During the 1890 season of...

BSA Students and Archaeological Work in the Mediterranean Before the First World War

In the period up to the outbreak of the First World War BSA students were involved in archaeological work ranging from Sicily to Syria, from Tripolitania and Egypt to Macedonia (and beyond). Their focus was well beyond mainland Greece, the Aegean islands, and Crete.Is there a major difference between official BSA archaeological projects and other work supported by students? For example, the excavations...

Cyprus Exploration Fund: Equipment at Kouklia

Work at the temple of Aphrodite at Old Paphos (Kouklia) started on 1 February 1888. Hogarth (in Gardner et al. 1888: 159) recorded immediate delays:We had been unable to bring more than the few picks, spades, and baskets which had been in use at Leontari, the Nicosia blacksmiths being incapable of turning out our further order very quickly, and accordingly batches of tools kept arriving about once...

Cyprus Exploration Fund

The Cyprus Exploration Fund (CEF) was formed in the summer of 1887. The circular explained:It has long been felt by students that systematic archæological researches ought to be undertaken in Cyprus and it has often been made a subject of reproach against this country that no such researches have been attempted since the island came under English government. Private and casual excavations at various...

BSA Students in Australia and New Zealand

Former BSA students had a major impact on the teaching of classics in England outside Oxford and Cambridge (e.g. Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, London). Three former students held chairs in Australia and New Zealand.H. Arnold Tubbs (born c. 1865; Pembroke College, Oxford) worked with this Cyprus Exploration Fund and had to leave during the final season of excavations in Cyprus in 1890 to take...

BSA and Museum Catalogues

John L. Myres held to prepare a Catalogue of the Cyprus Museum (1899) that presented some of the work of the Cyprus Exploration Fund directed by Ernest Gardner. He subsequently researched the catalogue of the Cesnola Collection in New York.As part of Bosanquet's work in Laconia, M.N. Tod and A.J.B. Wace prepared A Catalogue of the Sparta Museum (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1906). This led to invitation...

Excavations: Ernest A. Gardner (1887-95)

Archaeological fieldwork was initiated during the directorship of Ernest Gardner who had gained experience in Egypt with Flinders Petrie at Naukratis. The first major project (from 1887) was on the island of Cyprus, supported by the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies (Cyprus Exploration Fund).The first excavation on mainland Greece was at Megalopolis. This proved to be controversial over...

Architects and the BSA

Architectural students form a significant group at the BSA. This is a preliminary list.The first arrangements for an architect to be admitted the BSA were made in November 1887. This was the result of an initiative from the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) ‘to assist upon architectural work in excavations’.The first architectural student was Ravenscroft Elsey Smith (1859-1930), son of...