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Vote etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Vote etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Power of the Latino Vote

 The Power of the Latino VoteRandy Shaw is the Director of San Francisco’s Tenderloin Housing Clinic, and is Editor of the online daily newspaper, His previous books are The Activist’s Handbook and Reclaiming America, both from UC Press. While his latest book, Beyond the Fields:...

5:12 Compostion

For those of you who voted last week on which photo I should make into a canvas print, thank you! Here are the two winners.And now, for week 5 of 12 Weeks to Better Photos, our task was to concentrate on Composition, with these six tips in mind:1. Keep it simple - eliminate distractions2. Apply the...

Life On Canvas

Hi everyone. I am going to post today's 12 Weeks to Better Photos soon. But first, I have a little request for you guys. I recently got a Groupon for 2 (two) 16 inch by 20 inch canvas prints. I have to pick them by mid October. Do you know how hard it is to narrow your photos down to TWO!? It's such...

All of the following are rights guaranteed by the first ten amendments to the Constitution except...

    the right to a jury trial. the right to vote. the right to bear arms. freedom of speech.  ANSWER: All of the following are rights guaranteed by the first ten amendments to the Constitution except the right to vo...