Season 3 Ro...
Vanuatu etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Vanuatu etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Vanuatu Wrap up - Photos
Port Vila, Efate (9/22 - 9/27)Finally on the 22nd we figured it was as good as it was going to get, and spent the next 12 hours beating against the winds for Port Vila. Luckily the seas weren't too bad, and we were able to point pretty high into the wind, making good time and good heading. Unfortunately...
Revolieu Bay, Epi
Revolieu Bay, Epi (9/18 - 9/21) We had been dreading heading back to Vila, as it is against the winds, and we'd have to really watch the weather, waiting for a shift or lighter wind. The trip to Revolieu wasn't too bad, but it was still to weather, and by the time we set the hook in Revolieu we...
A small Vanuatu loop: Malekula, Ambrym, & Epi
Current Location: Revolieu Bay, Epi Island, VanuatuCurrent Position: 16°43.68' S 168°08.68' ENext Destination: Port Vila, Efate Island, VanuatuOver the last eleven days we've completed a small loop, visiting three anchorages on the South-Eastern side of Malekula (Maskelyne Islands, Port Sandwich, and Banam Bay) and one anchorage on the Northern side of Ambrym (Ranon Bay).We enjoyed our time in...
Ranon, Ambrym
Ranon, Ambrym (9/17)It was another motor-sail over to Ambrym. We anchored near Ranon Village, as we knew they offered tours to the volcano. Ambrym's active volcano is purportedly not as impressive as Tanna's, but the ash planes are supposed to be an impressive site. Unfortunately,...
Banam Bay, Malekula
Banam Bay, Malekula (9/15 - 9/16)Banam bay was an easy motor-sail up the coast from Port Sandwich. It was again a bit crowded, the most boats we've been at anchor with in a long time (about 15), but it's a big bay and there was plenty of room. We went in that afternoon with a number of other...
Port Sandwich, Malekula
Port Sandwich, Malekula (9/13 - 9/14)We decided to stop in Port Sandwich mostly because we were ready to leave the Maskelyne's, but wanted to wait out the shifty weather before going into Banam Bay. It ended up being a very pleasant stop thanks to two extremely generous locals, Ezekiel and his...
Maskelyne Islands, Malekula
Maskelyne Islands, Malekula (9/8 - 9/12)We really enjoyed the SW corner anchorage in the Maskelyne Islands. The anchorage was calm and the scenery that surrounded us was beautiful; with green hills stretching down to white sandy beaches, patches of mangroves reaching out to the blue-green sea...
1000 Days .....
Current Location: Maskelyne Islands, VanuatuCurrent Position: 16°32.05' S 167°46.19' ENext Destination: Malekula or Ambrym, Vanuatu1000 days .. as of today that's how long we've beencruising! It seems unreal to both of us, especially when westart to reminisce about everything that has happened overthose 1000 days. Just yesterday I was archiving picturesand in doing so scrolled through our hundreds...
Havannah Harbour & Revolieu Bay
Havannah Harbour (9/5 - 9/6)The sail from Vila to Havannah Harbour was a short one, and would've been beautiful had our engine water pump not gone kaput! I kept us under sail, while Chris jerry-rigged a temporary fix. The fix allowed us to run our engine while we anchored, but we were both...
Port Vila, Efate Again
Port Vila, Efate (8/31 - 9/4)We happened to be in town on Friday night (Sept 1st), when we heard about some dancing culture show that the USP rugby team (University of South Pacific) was putting on to raise money for a rugby trip to Fiji. The tickets were only 500 vatu (about $5 US) each, and...
Earth Shaking Tanna
Current Location: Port Vila, VanuatuCurrent Position: 17 44.72 S 168 18.67 ENext Destination: Ambrym or Malekula, VanuatuSince our last BLOG we made yet another attempt to sail Billabong down to Tanna in hopes of attending the Nekowiar festival. This time we tried for a "calm", willing to motor the whole way if need be. But winds & swell were higher than expected and we once again had to turn...
Aniwa & Erromango
Aniwa & Erromango (8/27 - 8/30)We had a fast sail (still aboard Island Sonata) from Port Resolution to Aniwa. In the guides Aniwa is only listed as a day anchorage, but with the winds predicted to lighten and from a direction that left the anchorage well protected, we decided to stay there...
Port Resolution & Mt. Yasur
Tanna, VanuatuAugust 24 - 29, 2006We sailed around from the Evergreen mooring balls to Port Resolution on a beautifully clear day. We were against the wind and the seas were a bit uncomfortable, but Port Resolution was a must, as it provided easy access to Tanna's active volcano, Mt Yasur. It...
Vanuatu Volcano Video
We almost got hit by a lava ball! Mt Yasur active volcano tour (where a huge lava ball landed just feet away from us!) Mt Yasur is located on Tanna Island in VanuatuYou Tube Vi...
Evergreen, Middle Bush & The Nekowiar Festival
Tanna, VanuatuAugust 18 - 23, 2006We came very close to giving up on Tanna's Nekowiar festival. First we couldn't nail down the date, as it is typically not announced until just a few days prior. We spent quite a few hours scouring the town of Port Vila, checking in with the National Tourism...
Nekowiar Festival Video Part 2
The climax of the three day event including the Toka and a HUGE pig killing ceremony.Journal and Photos hereYoutube vi...
Nekowiar Festival Video Part 1
3000 villagers from Tanna, Vanuatu get together once every four years and dance for three days/nights straight. The energy they put into this festival was unbelievable; the ground literally shook. We even camped in the village so we didn't miss anything!!Journal and Photos hereYoutube vi...
Port Vila, Efate
8/2 - 8/17Port Vila, VanuatuIt is always exciting to enter a new country. New sights, new smells, new customs and fresh faces. There isn't a country yet that I haven't loved, but some cities seem to linger in my mind longer then others; Port Vila is one of those. There is a certain energy...
Fish & Festivals
Current Location: Port Vila, VanuatuCurrent Position: 17°44.72' S 168°18.67' ENext Destination: Undecided, VanuatuI can honestly say there are very few larger “cities” across the Pacific that I’ve liked as much as Port Vila. Dodging the rushing traffic, which cares not about pedestrians, can increase your heart rate, but it’s a hazard we are willing to put up with in exchange for all Vila...