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Tonga etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Tonga etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Vava’u Group –Tonga

9/20/04 – 10/31/04By KTWeek 1 (9/20 – 9/26)Neiafu (main town)After our unexpected “rough” passage, it was more than a relief to hook onto a mooring ball.  I was definitely ready to get off the boat.  But first, we needed a quick nap for revival purposes … after that it was off to a “reunion party”.   Everybody was here; all rejoined after taking our separate routes through the Cook...

Passage to Vava'u

Trip to Vava’uTacking the last dayIt started out to be one of the best trips we’ve had. There was good wind and we were making great progress down the rhumbline. We had had a great sail during the day when the wind began to drop and move behind us. In order to keep our course I put up the spinnaker...

Niuatoputapu - Tonga

09/07/04 - 09/18/04By ChrisThe day after our arrival we got checked into Tonga; a white van shows up on the wharf, honks and you have to pick up the four officials and bring them to your boat. We coordinated the pickup with De La Mer, so we had the pleasure of Michael on board for our entire entrance...

Humpback Whales of Tonga Video

One of our most favorite moments ... snorkeling with more than ten huge humpback whales in Ton...

Passage to Niuatoputapu Tonga

5 days - 700 Nautical Miles (with a gnarly pass entrance)Route from Suwarrow to Niuatoputapu TongaThe passage to Niuatoputapu was a rather uneventful wet and fast ride. We were concerned about a wind shift to the south, so we headed south of the rhumbline just in case. This caused the seas to slap...