7 days700 nMRoute to SuwarrowThe weather looked like there would be little wind, but we tried anyway. We had a great sail to the edge of Bora Bora before the wind died, so we pulled in for the night. The next day wasn’t any better so we hung out, and finally left the next day along with Danseuse de...
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Society Islands etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Society Islands etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Bora Bora (Part II)
including short stay in RaiateaJuly 25 - August 7thBy ChrisWe ended the day with a gift of macaroni and cheese from Island Sonata. It’s amazing how the simple things in life can make you happy. KT was in heaven!! The next day we rented bikes from Club Med (our land base) with Island Sonata, Ascension,...
Bora Bora (Part I)
July 16th – July 25thBy KTBora Bora is a beautiful island … a combination of the Tuamotos with its white sandy beaches and turquoise clear waters, and the Marquesas with majestic mountains and varying colors of green. After all that motoring it was a relief to sit in the calm and quiet anchorage of...
July 10th – July 15th, 2004It was such a liberating feeling to finally pull up anchor out of Maeva Beach in Tahiti. I thought it would be a struggle because of how hard we were set but the anchor came up smoothly and we made our way up the anchorage to the small southern pass. We waved...
Tahiti Wrap-Up
July 8th – July 11th, 2004Well we finally got off the boat and went into town to get tickets for the big dance festival. It was still blowing 25-30 but we knew we weren’t going ANYWHERE (our anchor set by two blows) and we needed to get off the boat. By now it was Friday July 9th, and we...
Stingrays of Moorea Video
These Sting Rays show up at a certain part of the Moorea reef everyday to be fed. With eyes on top and mouths on bottom, they have to feel there way around you to find the fo...
Tahiti, Society Islands
June 24th – July 8th , 2004By ChrisOur plan was to get in, re-provision in modern stores, get Internet access, a few boat supplies, and get out to other more remote islands. The first difference is that you have to call Port Control to ask permission to enter the harbor; the second is that...
Passage to Tahiti
The one problem with everyone being stuck on the boat waiting for weather is that once it clears EVERYONE goes on the move to their next destination. In this case Billabong, Emerald, Stardust, Solstice, Magmell, and Ascension all headed for Tahiti (Bobulona, Waking Dream and Island Sonata left a day...