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Social Welfare etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Social Welfare etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Witt Reviews Holdren's "Injury Impoverished"

John Fabian Witt, Yale Law School, has posted Radical Histories/Liberal Histories in Work Injury Law, a review forthcoming in the American Journal of Legal History of Nate Holdren’s Injury Impoverished: Workplace Accidents, Capitalism, and Law in the Progressive Era:Nate Holdren has written a brilliant,...

Sposini on Certifying Insanity in Ontario

Filippo Maria Sposini, a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto, has published Just the Basic Facts: The Certification of Insanity in the Era of the Form K in the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 75 (April 2020): 171–192: This paper investigates the certification of insanity...

Prifogle, "Legal Landscapes, Migrant Labor, and Rural Social Safety Nets in Michigan, 1942-1971"

Emily Prifogle (University of Michigan Law) has posted "Legal Landscapes, Migrant Labor, and Rural Social Safety Nets in Michigan, 1942-1971." Here's the abstract:In the 1960s, farmers pressed trespass charges against aid workers providing assistance to agricultural laborers living on the farmers’ private property. Some of the first court decisions to address these types of trespass, such as the...