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Marshall Islands etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Marshall Islands etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

No Amelia Earhart was not a prisoner of the Japanese

The MagicsThis is one of those moments that makes me, as an amateur historian cry inside, because stories like this grow legs and go racing along the digital byways of the 21st century.  The above photograph is being held up as "potential proof" that Amelia Earhart, rather than dying during her...

Billabong begins cruising season 3

Current Location: Underway from Majuro, Marshall IslandsCurrent Position: 03°37.00' N 174°58.47' ENext Destination: Samoa, Wallis & Futuna, or FijiApprox Miles Traveled: 370Approx Miles to Go: 1430You know it's time to leave when a cockroach the size of a small kittenflies from shore, through...

Majuro Journal

Majuro, Marshall Islands (w/ a side trip to the States)December 20, 2005 - May 15, 2006by KTPosition: 07‹ 06.30' N 171 22.39' ESince spending cyclone season in the Marshall Islands, a number of people have asked us "how were the Marshall's?"  In all honestly we can't really provide a good answer....

Season 2 Photo Journals

Season 2 Ro...

Oh weather window where art thou?

Location: Majuro, Marshall IslandsPosition: 07°06.30' N 171°22.39' ENext Dest: Fiji (with potential stops in Kiribati, Wallis, or Samoa)Apparently Mother Nature doesn't realize that we are ready to depart ... and have been for many days now. The wind has all but died; a nearby large system sucking up all the wind and spitting down rain. We've thought about leaving anyway-- motoring to the winds,...

Waiting for weather

Seems to be the story of passages ... waiting for good weather. We are now quite ready to leave (even if we didn't yet get our last package in the mail), but now the weather for the next 180 hours does not look so good ... unless we want to spend lots of money on diesel and motor! At this point we are just taking it a day at a time and seeing what happens. We are still hopeful that we might get out...

Almost Ready to Leave

Location: Majuro, Marshall IslandsPosition: 07°06.30' N 171°22.39' ENext Dest: Fiji (with potential stops in Kiribati, Wallis, or Samoa)Yippee! We just got some very exciting news … another package has arrived. Which means only one more to go! We may leave here yet! Apparently the package was first mis-shipped to the UK … now how does that happen? Way to go US Postal Service.As for the last 10...

Passing Time in Majuro

Location: Majuro, Marshall IslandsPosition: 07°06.30' N 171°22.39' ENext Dest: Fiji (with potential stops in Kiribati, Wallis, or Samoa … sometime in May)Another week or so in Majuro. Still just hanging around, getting chores done, relaxing, and of course, waiting for mail. Although utilizing the US Postal Service, the mail service here is anything but swift or consistent! As of today, a package...

Still enjoying Majuro

Location: Majuro, Marshall IslandsPosition: 07°06.30' N 171°22.39' ENext Dest: Fiji (with potential stops in Kiribati, Wallis, or Samoa)After all this time, you’d probably expect us to have moved on and be god knows where … but nope, we are still hanging in Majuro! It hasn’t been boring though – after the new year, we made an impromptu decision to head home for a much desired visit with family and...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Location: Majuro, Marshall IslandsPosition: 07‹ 06.30' N 171 22.39' ENext Dest: Nowhere ... gonna spend some time in the"big city"!After some relaxing time in Abaiang we returned to Tarawa for a quick check out and then headed on to Butaritari. Butaritari is amazingly different from the other...