We were finally heading for the Tuamotus, also known as the dangerous archipelago, which is a group of over 70 low lying atolls that runs for several hundred miles in a northwest - southeast direction between the Marquesas and Society Islands. They get their name because they are low lying which makes...
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Marquesas Islands etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Marquesas Islands etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Daniel’s Bay through Nuka Hiva, Marquesas
May 7th – May 27thOn Friday May 7th we pulled anchor for a day sail over to Daniel’s Bay, Nuka Hiva. Daniel's Bay (Nuka Hiva)Have I mentioned how beautiful the Marquesas landscapes are??? Daniel’s Bay is completely surrounded by high rising cliffs of black and green that are populated with palm...
Fatu Hiva through Oa Pou, Marquesas
April 19th - May 6th 2004We are still pinching ourselves on a daily basis that this is real. Are we really living on a sailboat in the South Pacific? How can we possibly capture the wonders of our new lives, be it via journals, film, or video? Not to say that this rose doesn’t have...
Marquesas Manta Rays Video
These guys showed up right off our stern one day in Tahuata, Marquesas Islands. We jumped in and enjoyed an amazing moment with these magnificent creatur...
Fatu-Hiva - Landfall
The Anchorage at Fatu HivaAfter anchoring, Emerald and Island Sonata welcomed us with fresh local fruit, we showered, and took in the sights around us. We couldn’t get enough. We took a brief rest, and then kayaked to shore with Rick and Corby from Emerald. Little kids helped us ashore in...
The Crossing - KT gives a day-by-day blow

Chris reefing during the crossingWe did it! We sailed across the South Pacific Ocean, from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to Fatu Hiva, Marquesas! There isn’t a day that goes by that it feels real, and already the memory of the crossing is fading, seeming to all blend into yet just another day. I...
The Crossing - Chris summarizes our 23 days at sea
Pointing Billabong towards the South PacificWe’re OffOn Wednesday, we finally left the marina to head to Punta De Mita to get our sea legs, finish adding the storm shutters/final prep and decide on a good weather window to get us off the coast and into the North East trade winds. We had recently heard...