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Faith etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Faith etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Friday's 5 and Faith

It's Friday; one of the best days of the week, and one of the funnest days of the week to blog. It is the 5 on Friday and H54F link up's. It's a time to reflect and write 5 things about the week that has been. I am writing this post on Thursday night while I clear my heads and thoughts. I looked forward to this post all week. I thought my Friday post would include how excited I was about landing my new position. Not so much though, I still have not heard anything. My faith is running low but I keep holding on. I know you guys are probably so sick of hearing about it, but this white screen and these black letters create an outlet for my over thinking mind.

1.) The crazy situation about this potential j o b.
I interviewed last Wednesday for the Executive Assistant position for a rapidly growing real firm. I would be the Executive Assistant to the CEO. The more I read and learn about this company, the more I yearn for this job. Who knows the opportunities that could come from this and I am praying relentlessly that I will get that call. The CEO of the company has won so many awards, she is so well known, and the firm is rated number 12 by the Wall Street Journal of top real estate company's in the US. What is so crazy about this whole damn thing is, I applied for this job nearly 2 months ago. They called for an interview in August and I accepted, but then a meeting came up and I had to cancel the interview. I called back a few days later to reschedule and from that point, it was a ping pong match of back and forth emails to find a convenient time for both myself and the company. I was tired of it, I did not think it would work out so I just gave up trying to interview with them. But they kept contacting me. So then two weeks ago when I came to the decision that I had to leave my current job, I decided that maybe I really do need to give this real estate company and chance and go interview with them. I was leaving my position and they were still trying to get me to come in for an interview. It made perfect sense and it also felt like fate working its way into my life. Last Wednesday the time had finally come. It was a killer had interview with that CEO and I felt kindred and connected with her. She is exactly how I want to be in 20 years. I have been obsessing and waiting by the phone for this job ever since. She called my references last Thursday (which were great) and that is all I know at this point. I have not been told either way. I sent a follow up email Wednesday evening and no reply thus far. I have been keeping up with the firm via Facebook and Twitter and they have had several events going on this week plus an awards ceremony for the CEO who has won yet another award. I am hoping that she has just been way too busy and will make a point to contact me either way soon. I promise to not write about it anymore, unless I get the job. Have you ever been offered a job, but it took them 1-3 weeks or maybe even longer to call you to offer it? You thought there was no way you landed the position but actually did get it?

2.) Training my r e p l a c e m e n t
Since I am leaving my current company as they are cutting costs and closing the office I work in and making everyone transition to our manufacturer an hour away (which I cannot do), I have been training my replacement. In addition to her current duties at our manufacturer, she will now be taking over my position. Again, another way the company can cut costs (it's that bad) and let me tell you all, that has been absolutely exhausting. By the end of the day I feel like I have ran a marathon, plus a sore throat. My job is really complicated so I am having to create training manuals to help the woman learn. The below picture is only half of them!

3.) Captain P h i l l i p s 
I am a member of GoFoBo, they send invites to advanced screenings of movies that are coming soon. I am not sure how you can become a member. I think you have to be invited. I joined through my Regal members card. If you know me, you know I spend way too much with Regal so I get to go to these screenings often. I am a junkie. This week we saw "Captain Phillips". All I can say is GO SEE THIS MOVIE! It is absolutely worth every penny! The movie is incredible and a true story. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. The action, cast, and story line is impeccable. Tom Hanks never ceases to me amaze me with his acting skills. He was definitely born for this. 5 stars all of the way.

4.) China G l a z e
Every girl needs a little pampering once in a while. I recently bought some fun new China Glaze colors. I gave myself a homemade pedicure last night with this fun new color. 
5.) P i c t u r e s 
To celebrate true blog fashion, I have a bunch of a little random pictures from the week. The first one is Marty being adorable on his giant tower scratch post. The second picture, beside of Marty, is Charlie and Dottie watching their daddy talking on his phone on the deck. It was so cute. The third picture is Marty sleeping in one of my gym/laundry bags. Marquis texted me that picture when I was at work. Apparently he was missing his mommy - so cute! The fourth picture is Marty laid back, being as cute as ever. The bottom two pictures are some treats I have enjoyed this week. The "Orange Refresher" from Starbucks; I rarely ever go to Starbucks, but that Orange Refresher is the exception. It tastes natural and delicious, it's not sugary or filled with fake sugar crap. I love it. Lastly there is a Quest bar. It is hands down the healthiest and most nutritious protein bar on the market.They are a little pricy, but they are buy 3 get 1 free at GNC, I would go try one! 
Have a great weekend guys!

Faith and Health

When it comes to health, there is a lot to know. One thing that I have learned is that it doesn't matter how much you know. I know this sounds odd, because I pride myself on educating people on health and ways for them to make it part of their lives. Well, I'm telling you now, that no matter how much you know, it means nothing if you don't believe you can do it.

A recent holiday made me think a lot about faith. Faith is something that I don't discuss very often. It seems that in the business world, we don't seem to discuss it much. My personal life involves faith, but it is still not a conversation that I have very often. It is interesting how health and faith mix, but usually an emergency or it is too late. Either we are praying for someone to pull through or faith is a comforting thing to have on our side after we lose someone we love.

I'm not here to have a religious debate. In fact, I don't even want to bring religion into this. I am talking about faith. Not faith in a higher power. Not faith in any particular religious practices. I am talking about faith in health. More specifically, I am talking about faith in one's ability to create and maintain health.

When someone gets on a new routine to change their health, there are stages that they go through before they get to where they really want to be. They start by thinking about what they might do. They move one to talking about what they are going to do. Once they are able to get started, hopefully they are able to stick to it for a while. Once they have stuck with it for a while, they are likely to keep going.

Each of these stages takes a certain skill and a thought process that will help you get from one to another. The goal is obviously to progress through them until you are an experienced and confident person that will always do the things you have started doing on your new routine.

This is a nice thought, but unfortunately, many have not been able to do this. Most people don't get from one stage to another on their first try. In fact, many are continually starting a new routine in the first stages and falling back to square one as they find that it just doesn't work for them.

This is very common, but it doesn't have to be. We have talked a lot about the stages of change.

The first stage is contemplation (thinking about doing something)
The second stage is preparation (talking about what you are going to and getting ready to do it)
The third stage is action (getting started)
The fourth stage is maintenance (maintaining after getting started and keeping it going)
(There is also a stage called pre-contemplation- before you are ready to do something)

Each of these stages has something that you need in order to make it successful and get on to the next stage. There is one thing that across all stages becomes the most important factor. Clearly, you need motivation. Clearly you need goals. Clearly you need resources around you to support your new habits in order to start them and keep them going. I have written many articles and had many conversations about these things.

The one thing that I have not talked about yet is the one thing that you need in order to get started. It is not only what you need to get started, but it is also needed to advance from one stage to another. In other words, there is one thing you need to get started and that same thing is also needed to keep you going.

What is that one thing? What do we need to get started, keep going and be successful in health? We need faith. We need to believe that we can do it. We need to believe that what we want to do is possible, what we are doing is going to work and what we have done is possible to do again...and again.

Faith is not often talked about when it comes to diet and exercise, but it is very important. Without faith, you won't even get started. Think about it:

If you don't think you can start running or start eating healthy foods, you won't start doing it. If you think that you have a realistic possibility of doing something, you will believe that it is possible and therefore you will be likely to go for it.

While faith is not the only factor, if you don't have it, you can't move forward. Some people find it natural to have faith in what they are doing. These people are usually successful. They aren't perfect. They still run into challenges and have off-days, but they are able to keep going because they trust that it will work out for them even when it is difficult.

If you are looking to get started, have a little faith in your ability. If you believe you can do it, you can. If you believe you can't do it, well, you are right on that one too. In order to do healthy things, you have to see yourself doing them. You have to trust that you can make them happen. In other words: the more faith you have in yourself, the more health you will have in your life.

Business Health Expert Joe Byrd uses his passion and expertise to bring business and health together. He integrates health education in lifestyle topics such as Stress Management, Weight Management, and Smoking Cessation into businesses in order to accomplish the following:

Improving Employee Health
Decreasing Health Care Spending
Increasing Your Employee Productivity
Improving Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Joe applies his craft in the business world by making health part of business strategy. As he helps companies invest in their employees, together they create healthy and successful cultures.

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