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Coffee Talk etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Coffee Talk etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Coffee Talk

If we were having coffee today, I would start off by telling you that I have started taking my coffee with coconut oil. It makes me feel fuller for longer, therefore keeping me from snacking before I have my lunch (sometimes!) I have also stopped putting any sweetner in my coffee (in fact, my second cup is now black) and I don't really miss it. It is funny what we do just because it is a habit (for...

Coffee Talk

I am having a hard time forming more than a list these days... but there are a few things we would talk about if we were having coffee today. First I would ask you:  How is your week going? What's the weather like where you are? What big things are going on in your life lately? I am not really...

Coffee Talk

Thanks for meeting me for a virtual coffee! I'm glad you're here!If we were meeting for coffee today, I would get a large french roast with milk and splenda and you would get your favorite coffee and we would catch up on what we have been up to lately.- I had a great time at New Years with friends....

Cream or Sugar?

A few days ago, I kind eavesdropped on Amber's virtual coffee date. She did most of the talking, but I really enjoyed it, so I thought I would invite you to have coffee with me and I would do some of the talking this time. What are you having? I am buying. A latte? I am drinking a non-fat peppermint...