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 Filenews 9 September 2020

The Ministry of Health informs that, according to an update received today by the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit from contracting laboratories, a total of 2,251 laboratory diagnoses identified 3 new cases of COVID-19 disease.

In detail, virus-positive individuals emerged as follows:

  • Of 240 samples taken through a private initiative, 1 case was identified.
  • Of 194 samples taken from the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals, 1 case was detected.
  • Of 92 samples taken as part of the migrant structure control programme, 1 case was identified.


  • 1 at the Pornara migrant shelter: This is a person from Syria who came through Turkey and occupied territory on 5/9.
  • 1 from a private initiative: This is a man who came from the Philippines on 4/9 to work on a shipping company ship. He has symptoms (fever and iosmia) since the day he arrived and underwent a laboratory examination privately on 6/9. He was transferred to Eden.
  • 1 from Microbiological Laboratories of General Hospitals: This is a person from Cyprus with symptoms (myalgia and iosmia).

In addition, the following laboratory tests were carried out, without the detection of a case:

  • From samples taken through the process of tracing contacts of already confirmed cases, 206 laboratory diagnoses were carried out,
  • From samples taken as part of a passenger and repatriated check, 1,063 laboratory tests were carried out,
  • From samples taken as part of the control programme for pupils, teachers and school staff, 128 laboratory diagnoses were completed,
  • From samples taken at the barricades, 55 laboratory tests were completed,
  • Of the samples taken by the residents of Kato Pyrgos Tylliria, 2 laboratory diagnoses were completed,
  • From the student control programme, 15 laboratory tests were carried out, and
  • From samples taken under the programme of referrals from Personal Physicians and special team control through the Public Health Clinics, 256 laboratory diagnoses were completed.

Therefore , and on the basis of the data so far, the total number of cases amounts to 1,514.

In addition, three people positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus are being treated at Famagusta General Hospital, one of whom is in the Increased Care Unit. A COVID-19 patient remains intubated in the Intensive Care Unit of nicosia General Hospital.

Source: Eyenews


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