Bayram Cigerli Blog

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 Filenews 15 September 2020 - by Marilena Panagi

All fronts open and everything fluid with regard to the full implementation of the General Health System, since the negotiation of the Health Insurance Agency with the bodies representing health professionals is still ongoing and reactions vary between the different professional specialties.

Nurses and midwives seem to be getting along with the NHS and the messages are positive also in terms of the economic aspect of their cooperation with the organisation. On the contrary, the dentists are satisfied that the OPM has been consulted, but at the same time do not agree with the economic proposal put before them and have urgently requested a meeting with the House Health Committee.

As far as other health professionals are concerned, things are even more difficult, as the competent bodies state that there has been no negotiation with the Agency and express strong concern as to whether there is time for proper preparation if the 19 October timetable is maintained.

Of course, the possibility of changing the date set for the inclusion of health professionals in the GHS remains open also by the Health Insurance Agency, which has not officially made any announcements but its representatives have made relevant reports in recent days. As also reported by the "F" proposal to transfer the integration of professionals at a later stage was also discussed at the last meeting of the Minister of Health with the Board of Directors of the OSU.

In substance, with regard to the inclusion of nurses and midwives in the GHS, information from the 'F' indicates that there is currently a backlog with regard to the consumables to be used by nurses in the service of the beneficiaries of the system, since it is not yet clear how they will be selected. The negotiation has already touched on the question of the responsibilities of nurses and midwives in the GHS, and as far as the economic issue is concerned, the OAC proposal does not seem to provoke any particular reactions.

Dentists, for their part, are unhappy with the negotiation so far with the Health Insurance Agency and on Thursday are expected to put their objections before the House Health Committee. As we are informed, the disagreement between dentists concerns both the amount of their compensation and the services they will offer to the beneficiaries of the GHS.



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