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Progress Report: Bathroom and Details

Has it really been almost a month since I last posted a progress report?!? Goodness! We are chipping away at all the fussy stuff. Like sprucing up the bathtub with new caulk, new shower head, overflow plate and a shower curtain. I can't believe how cozy and finished it now looks! One room to check off the list!

 It is amazing how many little things there are to do. Tiny things not worth mentioning, but amazingly they take up a lot of time! After touching up a bit of paint it took me by surprise that the front bedroom was officially DONE! 

The back bedroom is so close. I added a closet pole in the closet and the threshold for the deck door needs to be fixed, then it too will be declared done! 

Have I ever showed you the middle bedroom closet? It is huge! Here I have half the closet pole up and have since finished putting up the other half. I also discovered I had forgotten to put a second coat of shellac on the floors. But that is all done and it is now declared finished!

 I also got the open shelves in the kitchen finished and up. I have been longing to see how they look and I love them! I am so glad at the last minute Mandy suggested getting oak boards for the shelves instead of trying to stain pine to match. Made it much easier! This is the close up pretty view.....

 ….And this is the "real" messy view! Lol! Because all the other rooms have freshly finished floors, the kitchen has become the work room, storage and tool room. I am so temped to clean it all up and take all the tools home. But there are still a few things to do!

We just got back from visiting my other sister Becky up north. It was so much fun (and so much talking!), but I am glad to be back and ready to get things done! 
I took this picture on Sunday afternoon as we were pulling into the driveway, it is amazing at how much snow as melted since then! Dare we hope Spring is just around the corner??


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