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IFBB Pro Stanislas "Stanimal" De Longeaux

Stanislas De Longeaux is a French bodybuilder nicknamed "Stanimal". He was born in Paris and grew up in Switzerland. Today he lives in Los Angeles, USA. 
Stanimal has always played a lot of sports and admired super heroes and very muscular athletes. He started training in his bedroom with a bench and some free weights. Later by joining a gym, his body began to grow even more, his friends and lot of people encouraged him on Instagram to participate in bodybuilding competitions. 
Stanimal won the 3rd place in his first show, then he came to the United States for some vacations and competed again, got a second place and met a sponsor who sent him to the Arnold Classic. 
Since 2014 Stanimal De Longeaux has been an IFBB Pro Classic Physique bodybuilder and he his a popular muscle man on social media.

Country: France
Birthdate: 1988
Height: 178cm/5'10''
Off season weight: 105kg/230lb
Competition weight: 93kg/205lb

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