Bayram Cigerli Blog

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A Sherlockian Thanksgiving

Yes, that's me in the turkey suit. Don't ask. But if you happen to be at the Price Hill Thanksgiving Day Parade . . . 

Let's change the subject.

The past 12 months, like any year, have brought me some personal challenges. But I have many more reasons for gratitude. Since this is Baker Street Beat, I will limit the list to those of a Sherlockian or literary nature.

I'm thankful for:

  • A record three books published in the last year: House of the Doomed: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure, Death Masque: A Sebastian McCabe - Jeff Cody Mystery, and School for Sleuths, which I have loved for 27 years.
  • My readers, who continue to encourage me by asking for more.
  • Speakers at Holmes, Doyle, & Friends Five. At my request, they came to Dayton and drew a record crowd for the current incarnation of this symposium. I'm still hearing kudos for them.
  • Being invited to speak to Hugo's Companions of Chicago, the Red Circle of Washington, D.C., and the Illustrious Clients of Indianapolis, three legendary Sherlockian scions. The Companions even gave me their Horace Harker Award. And meeting Bob Katz and Ira Brad Matetsky in was a delight, as was staying with Peter Blau and Beth. The Indianapolis talk is Dec. 8.
  • Ann and I finally becoming members of Watson's Tin Box. ("If you attend one meeting, that could be an honest mistake. If you attend two, you are member.")
  • Being asked by Barbara Herbert, widow of Paul Herbert, to assume leadership of the Tankerville Club of Cincinnati, which Paul founded. My title is Most Scandalous Member. It's more rewarding than I ever imagined.
  • Members of the Tankerville Club, who have helped me in every way possible.
  • Moderating a non-credit class in "Sherlockology 101." What fun!
  • All of my Sherlockian mentors, but especially Steve Doyle.
  • Ann Brauer Andriacco, who does all of this with me and makes it possible.  

We are looking forward to seeing many of our Sherlockian friends from around the country at the annual Baker Street Irregulars & Friends Weekend in January.


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