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THEFT FROM PARKED VEHICLES - some simple steps to take

From Cyprus Police:

Incidents of theft of property from parked vehicles are observed at regular intervals, as property left unattended within the cars is easy to be stolen.

For the sake of preventing such phenomena and in addition to the police's efforts to deter vehicle theft, the public is urged to be particularly careful and to take further measures to protect its property more effectively.

Indicatively, there is a series of preventive measures that citizens are encouraged to take to prevent theft from vehicles or even theft of the vehicle itself:

1.  Inside our vehicle, we should never leave exposed objects of value, bags, wallets, briefcases, mobile phones, laptops or other items that can attract the attention  of thieves or cause malicious damage, such as breaking a window or vehicle door.

2.  We should park in proper carparks - this is safer, does not obstruct any traffic nor does it obsstruct other residents.

3.  During the night it is preferable to park our vehicle in places where there is enough road lighting. Avoid dark or isolated spots.

4.  Make sure we remove the vehicle keys, lock the doors and fully raise the windows of our vehicle.

Generally, the public is urged to be alert and to work closely with the Police and, if it finds anything suspicious, such as persons or vehicles that are suspected, or knows anything about such theft, immediately informs the local Police Station or to communicate with the Citizen's Contact Line at 1460, as this can help identify suspects, track down theft cases and prevent such incidents in the future.

Finally, having always as a priority our physical integrity, security and health, we avoid any confrontation with any suspect person who may also react aggressively against us. Discriminatory observation of suspects and immediate notification to the Police is the safer handling of such incidents by citizens.


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