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From Cyprus Police:

Several offenses in the modern times we live are through the internet, either through the use of electronic means of social networking and e-mails or through various websites, but also through modern telephone devices.

These offenses involve online frauds and money-laundering, personal data theft, and even publications of child pornography.

With reference to the recent incidents of online fraud, the following is a series of measures that the public can take to safer use of the internet, avoiding the various pitfalls and risks.

1.  It is important to realise that behind a computer can be any person, who may even be a criminal.

2.  We should only interact online with people we know and if it is absolutely necessary to share personal information, photos, information about our family status, we can do this only through our private communication and not on an online site accessible to any other user of the Internet.

3.  When we do not know the sender of an e-mail we do not open this message for reading and we do not reply with our e-mail. If we suspect that this message is malicious or virus-related, we will delete it in order to avoid any breach of our computer and possible misuse of our personal data and data.

4.  We prefer websites that contain the acronym "https", in their e-mail addresses, "s" means security, especially if we are going to make any product purchase or payment via internet.

5.  Several times, people who have been "harassed" or have been victims of fraud, do not report these incidents to the police. This helps internet criminals continue their illegal work and remain unpunished. The reporting of such incidents of online crime to the Police may prove to be a catalyst in preventing such crimes.

The competent Police Office - the Office for Combating Electronic Crime, is available to the public daily, including weekends and public holidays (7am - 7pm), on 22808200 for any complaint or even for simple advice. In addition, the public may also make a complaint through the Police Complaint Form at the following email address:

In the following links are the previous announcements of the Cyprus Police concerning two examples of fraud on the Internet.



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