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An Armistice Day Reflection

Happy Veterans Day to all of those who served and are serving (especially my brother and our younger son, the master sergeant)!

Originally we would have been saying Happy Armistice Day. You may remember that this holiday was established to remember the end of the Great War on November 11, 1918. This is an appropriate day, then to look back at the beginning of that awful conflict in August 1914 - "the most terrible August in the history of the world."

When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was asked what Sherlock Holmes was doing in the war, his written response is my favorite Sherlock Holmes story, "His Last Bow." In book form, the story was subtitled "An Epilogue of Sherlock Holmes." That is fitting, but the original subtitle in The Strand Magazine was "The War Service of Sherlock Holmes."

As I have written before, both the beginning and the end of the story are magnificent, and big part of what makes the story so special to me.

World War I changed everything, and it is worth noting that the Holmes stories written after the war are much darker in tone.


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