Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive


someone snapped a photo of me walking to the squat rack.

I want to update this thing regularly but im honestly not sure of what to write about most of the time. Need to create a better plan and layout for posts so they stay frequent. This blog is like the platform for a bigger plan i have in the works. Im looking to eventually take off into a strength and conditioning business when i graduate college. Im torn between a career S&C or nursing school. Im applying for nursing school in the fall and have almost all the pre-reqs met to apply. So based on how well I do with the interviews and tests ill take it from there. Ideally though BMF is my little strongman fetus that I want to grow into a strong and healthy "adult" business or company. Till then im kinda just floating around and whipping up people who want to get big, strong, and smell like bacon.

end of boring life talk. lets talk muscle mass and hard shit.

BONUS CONTENT: Chapel "Satans Rock-n-Roll" one of my favorite bands and their whole album is a huge pick me up when its lift day. fast, hard, and evil. Its like the bastard child of Motorhead and jail sentence. highly recommended.

stay grim.



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