Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive

26 Stenographers

Did you know in the 1930s census 775,140 women were listed as stenographers? That made it the third largest occupation for women. First was domestic service, second teachers. By the 1940 the census shows the number was up to 1,000,580 women, with another 68,300 looking for positions as stenographers. For that decade, first place occupation was still domestic service, second manufacturing and stenographers third again.  That is an awful lot of women! But in that era there was only a small percent of occupations that were considered"proper" for women.
This picture I found in a antique shop years ago. I just love all the faces! It is so fun to imagine what it would be like to work in a stenographers pool in the 1930s. My sister and I use to make up stories about them. Do you see Dorthy peeking out from behind everyone? And Miss Glamour on the left in the first row, is she on her way to Hollywood? And doesn't the lady just behind the first row look like she could be a Scottish Nanny? So many different styles of hair and dress too!

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