Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Summer Lovin'

I always enjoy people's posts of products/items that they love--it always gives me new ideas of things to try.  I thought I would post my own (random) list that runs the gamut from interiors to exercise to gelato and inbetween of things I am loving this summer:

1. GHD Flat Iron-I have been getting my hair Japanese straightened for years.  It cuts out the frizz, the drying time of my hair, etc.  And I haven't been able to do the process for quite some time being pregnant and now nursing (I don't want to risk it with the chemicals).  This straightener has been a life saver.  It is pricey but worth it as it works and in half the time too! 

2. White Skinny Jeans-These have been my go-to for summer as they can work from day to night with flats or wedges.

3.  Siviero Maria Gelato-I have been searching in the States for Tiramisu gelato (my favorite) that rivals or even comes a distant second to the gelato I had in Italy and finally (over 10 years later) have found a true winner!  

4. Crate & Barrel Wine Glasses-After breaking several of our Riedel wine glasses we received for our wedding, I invested in some of these glasses.  Don't ge me wrong I still love them, but at $3 a glass these unbreakable and dishwasher safe wine glasses are great for parties when you don't want to be handwashing glasses praying they don't crack into the wee hours of the night.

5. Nike Shoes-These are so light weight they barely feel like you are wearing shoes...I am waiting for my custom pair to arrive in the mail!

6. Sunburst Mirror- Normally I wouldn't run out to get a sunburst mirror but I like this one in gold for the price of only $35!  I put it in our game/play room upstairs on a wall and the room is finally starting to look dare I say kind of finished.

7. Prince Tennis Racket-I have been playing tennis recreationally for a few years but stopped while pregnant and have been itching to get back to playing...after watching Wimbledon, I brought out my racket and my husband and I finally made it to the courts!  This is an updated version of my racket.


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