Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Bali Bound

Since the age of 15 it has been a goal and tradition of mine to visit at least one foreign country/city per year.  When I was younger it was much easier to cover more ground, but it is a tradition that my husband and I have managed to keep up despite life often getting in the way:

Last year we were here...

Any guesses?

How about now?

Alright, I made it really easy with the last one.  

We took a 10 day trip to Egypt through Friendly Planet.  I usually prefer to not go with a tour group, (being ushered in and out of buses with a group full of tourists isn't exactly the best way to see and experience a country as a local) but based on the amount of time we had with the ground we wanted to cover, I stumbled upon this tour company.  I was very pleasantly surprised with the luxury we were provided on budget prices.

This year we are going on our own adventure without a tour group and an Egyptologist (although I wouldn't mind having a guide that was as knowledgeable and passionate about the place tagging along).  

Our next stop is:



In case you were wondering, this little known book has absolutely nothing to do with our decision to go to Bali.)



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