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A box dinner kind of night...


Soooooooo tired and crabby tonight. Fridays are usually one of my rest days but today I feel restless and wish I could have gotten out for a run or something. All I did was work and eat.

I did make a fantastic dinner –

Found this new box of soba noodles at TJs a while back and we dug into it tonight -

It would have been fine on it’s own, but I added some chicken, broccoli, cabbage and celery just so I’d feel like I was actually preparing a meal and not boiling noodles and making sauce from a seasoning packet. That’s just too college for me to get away with anymore. Oh, and of course, the Asian hot sauce. Hubby calls it the rooster sauce.

Makes any meal.

After scarfing more noodles than I should have, we watched that Paranormal Activity flick everyone’s been saying so much about.

Sidenote: We rarely go to the movies. We’d much rather just wait until it comes out on DVD and let Netflix deliver it to our door. That way we don’t have to interact with people.

Sidenote: Last time we went to the theater it was during the playoff game the Colts won and we were the only two people in the theater — just the way we like it. We saw Daybreakers. It was pretty good. I’m a sucker for Ethan Hawke, hubba hubba.

Sidenote within a sidenote: Just because I happen to live in Indiana does not mean I’m a Colts fan. I swear, the people here take fandom to a whole ‘nother level. I told someone I didn’t like the Colts and he was like, “Oh, so do you just not like football?” So, if I live in Indiana and don’t like the Colts, the only ONLY explanation is that I do not like football. I responded by punching him in the neck.

Anyhoo, what was I talking about? Oh yah…Paranormal Activity…it was pretty damn scary. Reminiscent of the first Blair Witch. And obviously, since it’s filmed in that guerilla/documentary style, I’m not giving anything away by saying that it ends abruptly. That’s it.

If there’s less than 4 inches of snow on the ground when I wake up tomorrow, I’m going running. If there’s more than that, I’m staying inside and making up for the crunches/plyos that I didn’t do yesterday.

And now, I will leave you with something a friend sent me that I thought was hysterical – 6 adorable cat behaviors with shockingly evil explanations.





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